Eurofurence Information > Feedback

A new year, a new opinion about the pawpetshow

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it was....okay
not the best show I´ve seen, but at least better than the shows of the last 3 years

the backdrops looked great and the voice-acting was better than in most daily soaps (:P)
The background sounds produced a great atmosphere

cons: (please don´t kill me, but in my(!) opinion there are more significant contras than pros)
the voice-sound:
during the normal talking sequences, the sound-volume was (barely) acceptable
but everytime one of the characters screamed, it was physically hurting me

the story:
I´m not a fan of lovestories
that´s why I liked this PPS more than the last few, cause it wasn´t THAT focused on "true love"
but compared to EF11 or EF12, there was close to no comedy
The clips during the 2 pauses got more laughs than the actuall PPS

the idea of explaining some details about the roman ages was a creativ way to bridge the time between two scenes
and like it was said before: Shay got a realy lovely voice
But after the explanations endet, it still took up to 5 minutes of silence and darkness till the curtains opened again
and not just once or twice
it happend after every single scene

you put a lot of time and effort into the PPS
and you deserve our respect
But I´m sure you don´t want to hear only choruses of praise

I won't say anything about the story, because the sound unfortunately has become very uncomfortable to me around right before the first break.  It's been like this every year, just this year I wasn't really inclined to endure the screaming.  I tend to like the whole PPS and it's usually rewarding (the ending and the immediate closing ceremony are a great climax of the con, IMHO), but this time I just had to walk out from it :(

There are a few things that add up here and I might have worded this last year and before, too:
[*] Let's get the smallest problem out of the way: Sound quality — I know it's hard and I know things can and do break, but it sometimes feels there's too much noise and too little clarity, which might be because
[*] everything is just WAY TOO LOUD — I should have brought earplugs. Characters speaking normally: loud. Background music: loud. Characters screaming (which happens a lot): unbearably loud.  The reason might be one of the Deafening Parties™ the day before, I don't know.
[*] Characters screaming and shouting.  A lot.  And often.
[*] Apropos of background music, the sound tracks' relative volume is off as well (one would think you'd get it right by the third year at the same place) — as the narration is overwhelmed by the background music and it's incredibly hard to understand the speech.
[*] A few actors unfortunately still have a very thick German accent that really throws me off, in the sense that I just can't understand most of what they're saying.  For example the character in the arena who asked the protagonists about their scripts, I figured out what was being said from the context a sentence later.  Even though I have an otherwise decent command of the language...

I liked this years pawpet show. The story was quite interesting, surprisingly dark and violent with just the right amount of humor thrown in.
That achievement stuff offered the right amount of comical relive to it. Oh an the tiger kitty was just too cute .. getting it on the nose again and again. ^^''
Okay, given .. I liked last years setting and storyline a bit more, but that's personal taste as I am a huuuuuge fan of cyberpunk stuff.

I have agree on the critic about the sound tho. Especially the explanations during scene changes were pretty much overwhelmed by the background music.

Still I enjoyed the show and felt greatly entertained during the whole length of the show.
Kudos to the whole team for that!

I really loved the two arctic foxes, so cute.
But the best part for me was the bath scene with the diversionary maneuver about the pool full of inflatable animals. The ones who were at the hotel pool the night before sure did understand it.  ;D ;D
Thank you very much for that spontaneous last minute joke.

As it was said above, it might have been better to close the curtain and start the scene all over when there was that microphone issue. It also seemed like there was a problem with feedbacks.

I still remember my first EF (17) and saw for the first time of my life a pawpet show. I was completely taken! and at first didn't understand when someone said "I liked the old characters more". I then tracked them down on youtube as far as possible, and understood.
With the size of the audience the puppets HAD to grow. If the EF keeps growing there may come the day when suiters have to play on the stage :-) but you may want to consider to create a core of characters to have in each PPS (did I recognize the goat from CFz correctly?), like Lionel, Mika, Lori and Poke. People love to recognize the characters, even if they can predict their action from their knowledge, and it may save you from building new puppets every year (though that may be the fun, too :-))
I've been to pawpeteering panels, so I have an hint of an idea what work is involved, and I love it.



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