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EF18 Feedback

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Jake R:

--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 08.09.2012, 01:10:24 ---At the same time, I found it quite impressive how the Pawpet Show almost started on time this year, and there was absolutely no positive mention of this so far.

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I was actually rather sad about that, I was still very busy selling otter noses! They went like hot canin.... *cough* cakes! D=

Seriously though: I agree. Kudos for punctuality in general, I hardly heard any complaints about things starting late. Except for the Auction (I believe it was). That started several minutes (GASP!) late. A DISASTER, right, Kage? =)


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 08.09.2012, 01:47:43 ---No, in reality, running complex events with amateurs can sometimes get pretty unpredictable.
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Especially as we are doing a large-scale event like this only once a year. If we were doing this every week as our main job, it would run much more smoothly, of course. Everyone with even just a little bit of insight in event organization says that what we are doing with a small bunch of volunteers is completely impossible. Yet we pull it off, even if some things don't quite work out the way we intended them to.

I take it as a great compliment that our guests expect an amount of professionalism you rarely even find at professional events, and yes I've been to a number, but everyone who has suggestions how to improve — please keep in mind that as we don't get paid for our work our motivation comes from knowing that most of our attendees, our guests, had a great time overall. If you keep your criticism constructive, realistic and fair, we're going to value your opinion. If you are just bickering about minor issues, or things we do not have much influence on like the price of beverages or the softness of pillows, please bear with us if our response may be not so friendly. Especially if it comes to issues we have to explain each year over and over again, like the price of beverages or the softness of pillows.


--- Quote from: yagfox on 07.09.2012, 18:05:38 ---Have to say, I very much enjoyed watching the fursuit gameshow this year, I'm not sure if what we were watching was what had been planned, but as entertainment it was absolutely first class, I damned near fell of my chair laughing! :)

Definitely on my watch list for next year! :)

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Other than the 15 minute or so delay after the first game where we too had to deal with a medical incident backstage it was running as planned!

--- Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 08.09.2012, 00:13:19 ---maybe just a comment about this:
the storyteller part was awfully long and very very difficult to understand.
I know it is not easy to clearly speak from inside a fursuite head, but wouldnt there be some better way to hear the commentator voice?  like a compact mic inside the fursuite head?

also, I would have just fell of my chair if someone had played Benny Hills chase music at the final "hunt" stage :D

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I'm sorry for that and we are looking forward to change that "hard to understand" part one way or the other (there are several options). We already had mic-in-head setups in previous years but they didn't work that well either. Pre-recording the storyteller script was an option but I figured that would lead to it being less interactive - i.e. there wouldn't be any time for the suiter to elaborate on things. Also the length was a bit underestimated and will be dealt with, should this game return in some form.

  Atkelar - Fursuit Gameshow

Fafnir Kristensen:

--- Quote from: SouthPaw on 08.09.2012, 01:08:56 ---The host did have a headset mike initially, as in previous years, but it fell off/out early in the show so he had to resort to a handheld mike for most of the event.

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I fear I missed the beginning of the event, my apologies for suggesting something that was already planned

Fafnir Kristensen:

--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 08.09.2012, 01:10:24 ---At the same time, I found it quite impressive how the Pawpet Show almost started on time this year, and there was absolutely no positive mention of this so far.

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I did in my first feedback, though I didnt mention the events individually.
Lightfox said it too.

be sure that wasnt unnoticed, it was really appreciated at its true value


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