Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF18 Feedback

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Cheetah, you asked what I would have done with regard to the events being scheduled the way they were I replied with my thoughts. Throwing in information that I was not aware of does not help really to make an observation after it has already been made.

You're reading far too much into what I've written down beyond the actual text.

My only "concern" regarding the timetable was that the dance competition was during the time before the parade, where most needed to go and change, or at least I did. But I can understand that its not easy to get a timetable that fits every one. Maybe you could let the dance competition start earlier, or swap it to a nightime event? Or maybe had it after the photo session on saterday?

EF was AWESOME!!!1
...yes, I will write some actual feedback soon, but I have to say most of my concerns from last year had been resolved this year, and I can't really think of much to complain about! (at least, things that the staff could change at all)

I honestly don't really get all the complaints about the food, given that it's the HOTEL who offers this, not the con. Yes, I wish they'd just close the restaurant, I never even ever saw a con attendee in there, and it could be used as con space, or so... but this is the hotel's business. I'm already VERY happy they worked along with some other things, like opening the staircases, it helped SO much. Food has never been a problem for us at all, we just brought bowls and spoons and ate cereal for breakfast every day. Kaufland is near and super cheap and offers anything you might need, like drinks and fresh fruits. (also super tasty fruit yoghurt for 33 cents, omg??!) There are PLENTY of restaurants near that offer good food for a good price. You get a big plate of spaghetti with salad for 4 euro at the house of steaks, and thanks to your con badge you get free coffee with it as well. I know you can't bring your own drinks to the lobby, so how about just drinking it at your room? I just had bottles of water with me and I never had any trouble drinking that. Really, people complaining this much about the food make me wonder if they have ever been on a holiday at all... I ALWAYS bring my own stuff, or at least buy it in a supermarket. Otherwise I would never even be able to go on trips at all. I am a freelancer and have a very low income, and I need to save up pretty much the whole year to be able to attend EF. You can save a lot of money just by being clever.

My main point of concern this year:
The charity lottery table should be much more visible! Last year we had the fortune wheel, this year many of my friends apparantly didn't even notice the table. But well, I'm sure I can help out with some big banner or sign next year so the table won't be missed :) And then afterwards we can sell that banner for charity XD

Ok... that became a long post still, after all. I'll write more soon, but for now, thank you all for the great con! I really appreciate the hard work :)


--- Quote from: silverfoxwolf on 08.09.2012, 05:33:34 ---Throwing in information that I was not aware of does not help really to make an observation after it has already been made.

--- End quote ---

See it the other way around, if you make an observation you should ask us about the background information FIRST before giving us useless advice sounding very bigheaded.

When a few staff members already got offended by your comments you should think about your word choice too, your postings sound snippy and smart-assy and nobody likes that, no matter if it is a furry convention or normal business life.

(edited: Fixed a small "false friend" issue, hope you don't mind - Cheetah)


I got the numbers last year from the restaurant and you would be surprised how many furrys go there ;)
The preakfast is highly frequented and the lunch and dinner business is ok too.
I ate there once and its nice when you need good food in a quiet ambiance.

Besides this the lowered the prices for the bar snack menu massively,
the burger for 9€ was more than fair you could feed two people with that thing ;)

The idea abou the charity desk is very very good, i think we will make them one of our official roll ups to.
First to make the table more visible and second to show guests that this is a official Eurofurence thing and not something else.


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