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EF18 Feedback

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Ok, I take it back what I said about the restaurant then ;) I do know some people use it but I honestly never saw anyone in there! Last year I saw the cook waiting in front of an empty restaurant... he looked so sad, haha. I guess I just have bad timing, then! And yes, I do eat some food from the hotel, but I meant that nobody HAS to buy food there if they find it too expensive.
I thought the veggie lasagna at the hotel BBQ was very tasty, btw! And the bretzels are literally great, too!

I definitely want to help out with making the charity tables more visible next year. If printing costs are an issue, I might even just hand-paint something, much like the pawpet background panels (just not as giant!) Having suiters direct people towards the table also helps a lot! (a certain bat was guilty of that this year) :D

Overall, apart from inconsistency with when Housekeeping serviced the room (latest was 6pm, and on Sunday they didn't empty the bin or provide new towels), I'd say it was a great con. Yes there were hiccups, but that's only to be expected for an event of this size.

Now for a little bit of history (or "Why the schedule is how it is")...When I first started going to EF back in 2001 (EF7), it was held in Youth Hostels (which remained the case up to EF13 in 2007, when they moved to the Ringberg). This effectively enforced Lunch and Dinner breaks, because that's how the Hostels were set up for catering. In addition, there were SIGs held before lunch, but those were discontinued due to poor attendance (certainly by EF11, though I can't remember exactly when). Hence why there are now effectively three main blocks of SIGs, starting at 12:00, 14:00 and 16:00, with Stage events generally being scheduled independently.

The other issue affecting stage events is the need for rehearsal and setup, which you don't see in the public schedule, but which has been touched on earlier. I'm sure the Pawpet Show crew, for example, would like nothing more than to be able to have rehearsals that don't finish at 7am, but they're constrained by the need to finish building and rigging the stage and program the lighting desk, and having the stage room for an extra day would cost more and probably not be possible anyway because of other events taking place at the hotel.

My one criticism with the scheduling this year would be that Friday was rather "fursuit heavy" with the Dance Contest, Parade and Games all taking place on the same day, and two fursuit track SIGs scheduled for the 12:00 slot (How to be a Demon and Animatronics for Fursuits), but I'm not sure that anything could have been done to avoid that.

So all in all, I thought it was a great con as usual and I'm looking forward to next year.


--- Quote from: silverfoxwolf on 08.09.2012, 05:33:34 ---Throwing in information that I was not aware of does not help really to make an observation after it has already been made.

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Then wouldn't it be far more constructive to first make sure you have all the information before jumping to conclusions?


--- Quote from: SouthPaw on 08.09.2012, 14:59:52 ---
My one criticism with the scheduling this year would be that Friday was rather "fursuit heavy" with the Dance Contest, Parade and Games all taking place on the same day, and two fursuit track SIGs scheduled for the 12:00 slot (How to be a Demon and Animatronics for Fursuits), but I'm not sure that anything could have been done to avoid that.

So all in all, I thought it was a great con as usual and I'm looking forward to next year.

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Indigo Icetalons:

--- Quote ---The idea about the charity desk is very very good, i think we will make them one of our official roll ups to.
First to make the table more visible and second to show guests that this is a official Eurofurence thing and not something else.

I already noticed this and chatted with Henrieke on site about it. I really felt tucked away over there as I did my best to pull people in. I wanted to make a wishing well, but stuff arrived late and I could not finish it on time. Even so, I don't think it would've made that much a difference.

It would be better indeed to have a more themed table, easily recognised as EF CHARITY.  I'll have to look into the available options. I don't think it's nessecary, but if you'd like I can keep you updated.
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