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EF18 Feedback

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Jake R:

--- Quote from: o'wolf on 05.09.2012, 01:05:42 ---It wasn't directed against you. It's just that furries tend to jump to conclusions. I just want to clarify what the show is about to avoid that from happening. Heck, I just had to say "BNN" to have some people almost freak out when I talked about it before EF. Anyway, as usual I'll write up a report about the media coverage and work and why I allowed some things I normally wouldn't as soon as I have my wits back.

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I'm glad it wasn't, but I'm still sorry for discussing things that are not really my area. I just thought I'd add a cent or two right after seeing the show, and having very high hopes.

Anyway! Back to other topics. For instance, as already discussed at the con, I'd like to see this next year so I'll put it here as a reminder:

- Coupons with contact information for non-physical (charity) auction items, such as the photoshoot by NewEinstein (?). Explanation: he was supposed to be at the auction to instantly discuss details with the winner, but (due to unfortunate circumstances) was delayed and arrived right after it had been auctioned off. This meant that the winner got to the Art Show to claim his prize, and the people at the Art Show had nothing to give this person. I'd say it was handled quite well, especially considering the initial confusion, but coupons as a plan B would be nice for next year. =)

I'd also like to add some general feedback on the convention staff (including amongst others board, conops, security, and even volunteers without a staff badge). I've been to conventions that had a 'volunteer of the year'. I feel like I've been working as hard as I could, and I still am certain that, if EF had this award, I wouldn't be the one to get it. I've seen some staffmembers going way past their own limits, working harder than I can hope to achieve, doing whatever they could to make the visitors happy. I am, as last year, very impressed with the average level of dedication and effort the staff puts into this convention - and it shows, both in the happy visitors and the mostly positive feedback here. Thanks, all =)


--- Quote from: Svedge on 04.09.2012, 22:33:22 ---The problem I saw with the Dealer's Den rooms, was that all of the popular artists were placed in the same room. The room with the less known artists never had a entry cue.
So please mix the artists next year, it would enhance the flow rate of customers and ease the bottleneck problem.

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Won't work that well. The artist in the Dealers Den want to sit near the people they like. And that's 100% understandable if you sit mostly 6 hours in a row there a work at stuff. Then at least you want people you know around you. If you start to mix people and force them to be placed somewhere else, imagine the mood.
And there are allready some more known artists in the second Den.

Fafnir Kristensen:
about the charity auction items, was there a list of the items which would be auctioned? if yes I missed it, where was it? if no, that would be a very very interesting things to have, as some people would be interested to attend the auction just for that. this year it was a bit of a surprise to see what would be auctioned (some were expected, other werent, and some where simply not explained clearly (the custom balloon for example))

- The issue with the Dens where that Tani, Darknatasha, AlectorFencer, BlackPaw Productions and some of the "bigger" ones where all in the same group. So of course people would cue for that.
- Some ran out of hot water again this year. But I guess that was because everyone was doing it at the same time?
- The bar ran out of booze again! xD

+ Did we get chairs for the round tables in the lobby/foyer? Either way.. it was awesome!
+ The inflatable panel/event/thingy was cool!
+ The hotel staff keeps getting better and better!

+/- The music in the Piano bar was the exact same (sorry but..) crap as it was at the Main stage. I liked it when FoxAmoore was playing the piano and I actually liked the lass from the first year (who was hired by the hotel). Not everyone likes the "Unf unf unf" music, so why have it at two different places?
+/- The hotel made food till Midnight! Much appreciated, but we all get the munchies when we are drunk and not everyone goes to bed after midnight. ;3
+/- Do I need to mention the elevators again? ;D They where Better, but not optimal. We got sent to level 7 and then the buttons would get reset.

Indigo Icetalons:

--- Quote --- - Coupons with contact information for non-physical (charity) auction items, such as the photoshoot by NewEinstein (?). Explanation: he was supposed to be at the auction to instantly discuss details with the winner, but (due to unfortunate circumstances) was delayed and arrived right after it had been auctioned off. This meant that the winner got to the Art Show to claim his prize, and the people at the Art Show had nothing to give this person. I'd say it was handled quite well, especially considering the initial confusion, but coupons as a plan B would be nice for next year. =) [quote\]

This was an unfortunate turn of events. He only left an email adress. I am sorry for the mistake made by making sure there is indeed a voucher next year. Thank you for your input![b\]

--- Quote ---about the charity auction items, was there a list of the items which would be auctioned? if yes I missed it, where was it? if no, that would be a very very interesting things to have, as some people would be interested to attend the auction just for that. this year it was a bit of a surprise to see what would be auctioned (some were expected, other werent, and some where simply not explained clearly (the custom balloon for example))[quote\]

It was deliberately decided to keep the list of charity auction items a secret this year so more people would come and see the show. Well discuss wether this has merit for next year or wether it would be better to have a list. Yes I budged up on quite a few of the art auction items and I feel bad about it. It was my first time and had no bloody idea what to expect and what to think about. Now I know and will make sure to ace it next year![b\]

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