I would have swapped the concert and fursuit games, since concerts generally run later then other events at shows in general.
Because we tried not to have two fursuit related events clashing. That's all there is to it. The Fursuit Parade would've started together with the Fursuit Games.
And there was no way of pushing it a bit further back, because we needed the main stage for the final rehearsals of the concert.
We appreciate your comments and pointers, really. I think the reason why some people are responding a little bit allergic is this: We are a big con that has been going on for 18 years. Most staffers and events have grown from more than 10 years of experience. Every decision, every plan, every event is well-considered and talked through with staffers, organisers, panelists.
We are, at the same time, facing challenges and limits, be it with staff, facilities, equipment, everything comes to an end at some point and we need to find the right way inbetween many options to please as many people as possible. One example is the video team, we put in two new team members this year and had more than ever, we had more cameras than ever before, and still missed two events because we suddenly found a situation in which we were understaffed.
For example, the fact that two security staffers just stand around NOW doing nothing doesn't mean they can man a table at the art show during the art show opening times. We have peak hours, and those two very officers may be on duty somewhere completely else the next moment. And as someone else already mentioned, having a luggage / camera check-in like that does cause even more logistical problems, as well as staff related requirements we can't always meet.
When you say that your expectations weren't quite met, I have to say I'm sorry, but we're all just human, we err, we try to respond to an ever-changing situation by adapting as well as we can, but it's not always possible to see every little thing. And issues like the technical and medical delays do happen, and sometimes they are so massive that they even eat up the safety-buffer we put into our timeslots. Sometimes, all we can do is to hold the strings together before something falls apart.
At the same time, I found it quite impressive how the Pawpet Show almost started on time this year, and there was absolutely no positive mention of this so far.
And this wasn't ironic or cynical, if you want to help us running EF, consider yourself welcome! But please understand that half the staff has fallen into a coma and will take a well-needed break at the moment.