Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Survey: Protect Your Ears

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I have been donating ear plugs for three Eurofurences so far. Overall feedback has been very positive, ranging from a "This is a good idea!" to "Thanks, you enabled me to enjoy the dances again!".

Every little thank you means a lot to me, and I'm glad the "program" is so successful.

At Eurofurence 18, over 900 pairs of Sonic Matrix ear plugs were given away.  8)

I chose the brand because they come in three SNR strengths, are packaged in pairs, have nice colors, are affordable, and are trivial to put in right (because they don't need to be rolled). However, I sometimes find them uncomfortable (a bit long) and it's difficult to get them in a smaller size in Germany.

So before I go and buy the next batch (or switch brands), I'd like to ask a few questions (posted in the next post, quote that and fill in your answers).

Thanks for your time.

1. Usage - How many packs of Ear Plugs did you take, and how long did you wear them? At which events?

2. Sound - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how was the perceived quality of the music with the plugs?

3. Protection - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how good did they manage to lower the noise level?

4. Ease of Use - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how easy were the plugs to put in?

5. Comfort - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how comfortable were they to wear?

6. Feedback - Anything else you want to remark?

I can't really comment on the actual earplugs provided, as I didn't have to use them - I brought my own!  So, I figured I better let others, who didn't bring any themselves, use the ones provided. :-)

6. That said, I really appreciate they were provided, as they are really a necessity during the dances, unless one have a very good reason not to use them.  Yes, if it's sounds you enjoy more, the damage might not be as severe, but fact is still that ears can only handle so much pressure.

1. Usage - Two. Can't remember at which events though. Could have used them very badly at the Concert.

2. Sound - Surprisingly good!. I've never used such earplugs before, and was surprised that music actually sounded better with them! (10)

3. Protection - Good enough. Music was so loud at times, I even felt like hiding my head somewhere. Good thing those little helpers appeared, they reduced the sound to a bearable level to my sensitive canine ears! (9)

4. Ease of Use - Actually, I was a little confused by the provided manual which was taped on the table. Were you supposed to stuff them into your ear THAT deep? I didn't dare to try. (7)

5. Comfort - Even forgot I had them on! Until I took them back out, and everything got loud again. (10)

6. Feedback - Please, please, PLEASE keep it up! Either my ears are way too sensitive, or uhm, someone accidently hit the volume slider up and forgot it about it. Either way, without that plugs, I couldn't have enjoyed the dances. Will make sure to think of them when attending the next concert / PPS / dance!

I wish I had took a pair for the concert, it was so loud sometimes that I didn't even understand the singer --
An I'm used to loud music..


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