Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Fursuit Friendly Dance

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AC used a way of several tape lines parallel to the camera position.
Suiter had told to row up at these lines.
The lines separated by a distance to make shure that everyone is fine visible and not hidden behind someone bevor him.
Ok, AC had a way bigger Hall, also Only for the fotoshoot, and with a camera positioned in more then dopple or tripple the height as we can do in the Maritim Hall ( and also the x2-3 number of suits)
But nethertheless its possible a inspiration for an idea or adaption.

And yes, Thalian you have a good voice ;) but the Maritin Hall eaten it completly and total,
i did not get one word still with the listen amplifier on ;P


--- Quote from: Furvan on 05.09.2012, 10:50:46 ---And yes, Thalian you have a good voice ;) but the Maritin Hall eaten it completly and total,
i did not get one word still with the listen amplifier on ;P
--- End quote ---

Ah, now we're talking about the main group photo? Yes...I feared that nobody would really understand me. That's why we simply used some security people on "remote control" to get everyone into the "photo-safe area", and I used my voice mainly to get everyones attention. Anyway, it seems that people at least understood that I was doing a countdown  :)

By the way - Last year I tried one of these megaphone thingies, while I was standing on the balcony at fourth floor. I tried to talk to the crowd twice, using different settings. After that, I simply put this thing away and used my voice alone, and THIS time everyone understood. That's tha main reason why I didn't even TRY to use a megaphone from the 7th floor  ;D

No i am talking about the fursuit group foto, ok, your counting was just to imagine ;)
In Maritin Hall a megafone had worked i think, in the lobby the echo effect is way to bad.
But anyway, like you stil sayed, next year a microfone :)

+ To combine the foto with the dance was a good idea.
+ It was mentioned beforehand that the dance would start right after the shoot, it did not come as a surprise!
+ After the foto you could have moved away from the crowd easily at the beginning of the dance, as there was plenty of space in the room to manouver around the central dancers - it only meant some carefull positioning of yourself according to your needs at the beginning of the shoot (reason one I was in the very last row).
+ I brought props to that event (plate armor, cape and banner), and positioned myself in a way that the props were unlikely to break and to prevent knocking other people out with it (reason two for beeing in the last row).
+ Vision was perfect - again, the room is big enough, you can avoid to stand right in front of the fog machine or in the way the fog takes.
+ Music was not to loud (earplugs help as well when you are in suit).
+ Music was danceable (you can do slow movements on umpa umpa umpa music).

+++ For all the staff: good planing, good handling, good job! I felt safe and secure and well taken care of over the entire shoot/dance. Thank you, you rock!  :)

+ Directions were clear :) I knew what was going to happen as it was announced well
+ Dancing right after the photo worked fine, I could easily move to the side a little
+ Music initially was quite nice and worked well
+ Wasn't too loud, at least not when I was in suit

- There was a cable somewhere on the way from fursuit lounge to danceroom. Was it meant to be taped down? I almost tripped over it a few times D: Not so worried about myself but much more worried about damaging equipment! I noticed most of the cables were neatly tucked away or taped down though, so I assume this one had simply come loose.

Due to being packed closed together, the person in front of me smacked me full on in the face and hurt my nose in the progress (suit is fine) :( HOWEVER this is also largely due to this person apparantly not getting the "don't put your hands up" part that was very clearly said to us. He ruined the picture for me and hurt my nose quite badly, so uhm...thanks dude :/. I understand why we were packed together closely and had he listened it wouldn't have been a problem, perhaps next year threaten to hunt down and publicly shame anyone who does flail their arms around ;)


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