Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Panelists: How did our logistics work?

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Video Game Dev Panel room was gold, though it was set up as a round table with a beamer.

I kind of explicitly requested none of these (it's neither keynote, workshop, nor round table). Didn't hurt much, but it was a little tricky to get the panel to segue into the open meet and greet I envisioned.

Spark Wolf:
Fursuiting 101 panel - Stüttgart room:

We just shoved two tables to the end of the room for us to put our fursuitheads and attributes on.
For the rest the flipchart wasn't necessary but for next year it's a good idea to have lots of pens and paper.

It was nice and tidy nothing was wrong ;)

Bat panel: I wasn't running the panel, I was just visitor there. But I couldn't help noticing big problems with projector image quality. We ended up gathering around one laptop to watch the pictures panelist wanted to show us.

Amy Ninetails:
Who Wants To Be A DJ, Wild-Wolf had everything under control :)
we had atleast 3 to 4 ppl at each station (we had 3 stations) interested and asking good questions ^_^
so i must say that it was a good turnout :)

DDR Panel, Room Bonn.

Well, it was very bad for me, especially the first day (Wednesday).
 I came to the room half an hour before the planned opening to set it up, but there was nothing of what I requested (No beamer, No screen, no sound), and the room wasn't prepared at all. So I decided to open the panel 1 hour later, and I asked the con ops if I could have all the stuff ready one hour later. One hour later, nothing, so I had to run everywhere to get the sound and the beamer, and I didn't get the beamer screen at all... I had to use a towel with duct tape to make a screen.  ::)  Finally the panel opened 2 hours later than planned.

It was okay the others day, though.


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