Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Suggestion: Official welcome teams for next year!

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Well when you arrive at a con, specially for the first time, youll basicly want to know where to go and what to do in order to prephere youreself for all the fun and get setted for the activities. This could easily be done by setting up two or three official welcome teams with "info and support" signs on them, either accompied by people in suits or not. They should be seated at the central station (I guess a large percentage of the furs enters that way as I did?) and in the entreance/s to the con hotel.

When I arrived I was greated by a friend of mine and a group of furs in the central stations main hall giving me directions to Marriot and my hotell, and thus was greatly helpfull and made me felt most welcome to the con. Id guess it also helped to present ourself for the Magdeburg population in a positive way, so you would have many benefits from such an arrangement!

I'm not sure manning the station is needed. There are so many furs arriving on each train (on wednesday anyway) and hanging around that you simply follow the others or ask directions. (This is a big improvement on EF7! Which was my first con.) A large percentage of furs also have access to google earth and the EF travel page. ;)

There was a Your First Furry Con event this year, but it was on Thursday. If you want to organise something for Wednesday night (probably a party of some kind) you can always volunteer next year.

The travel team values your input on this matter and will make sure it gets recognised as it sees fit.


--- Quote from: Gero on 05.09.2012, 15:35:17 ---
When I arrived I was greated by a friend of mine and a group of furs in the central stations main hall giving me directions to Banana Fruitcake and my hotell,
--- End quote ---
Banana what? I didnt wrote that for sure! Id think I wrote marriot there.  m(

Congratulations Gero, you just volunteered to organize such teams for next year :)

As a side-note: try to send people to the Maritim hotel (as I remember you writing about Banana Fruitcake)

Edit: whoever edits the Banana Fruitcake in here - at least do so without a t at the end - oh and go and like your banana - on the moon!


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