Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Suggestion: Official welcome teams for next year!

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Well if I was an better organizer I would happely help, but alas my organaziting skills would spell disaster for this event, so youd probebly be much happier without me atempting this.

But if I come next year and arrive early enough I would be happy to be one off the fursuit welcomers.  #p

I think everyone should be able to find the con location, many people come also with car and not with train, I think you can ask people on the train station, where the Maritim hotel is, so no need for people standing there. Or do you really think there should stand people two day long for showing people the way? (Some have early arrival.)
But in the hotel itself it was a little confusion what I have to do, for example did I not really now, what I will get, where you get the fursuitbadges. (I had one, but some friends standed there, and didn`t not what exactly you will get.) In the end, we managed to get everything we needed. But it`s not that clear, if it`s your first EF.

Well maybe not from 3 am to 10 pm but atleast in peak arrival time like 10 am to 6 pm or something. And the train station thing is not only for our arrivials, its as much for letting the magdeburg citizens feel our presence in a positive way, after all this isnt such a small event and at least the parade will be noticed in the city.

Two other smaller suggestions: (Feel free to ad youre owns if you like!)
-The tv channel EF prime would be great fun to have at the overflew hotell, Intercity in my case. Where not so few that stayed there and we preatty much missed the chance to see the tv shows. Would have loved it if it could be done!
-Stands with the newspaper both at overflew hotel but even more important at maritim! As it was now the only reason I knew about it was that there was a couple of copies lying on a table!

*Also, as some one noticed, the prices at hotel bar was off the scale! I mean 3 euro for a small 0.2l cup of coke or orange joice? I could almost get an entire meal over at the fastfood burger stand next to the station for that price! And there was no price difference between alcoholic beverage and none alcoholic dito as well. Shouldnt there be a price bonus for us that choose not to drink as much do you think?

I might be ranting about a few things here and there in the forum, but I must strongly say that theese are only minor details, over and all it was a great con and tons of fun! I really loved to strall around and take photos off all the wonderfull and friendly furries and gasper at some amazing suits! Thanks for making my first visit to a big con such an amazing one!


--- Quote from: Gero on 06.09.2012, 13:37:46 ---[...]its as much for letting the magdeburg citizens feel our presence in a positive way[...]
--- End quote ---
Rest assured - they know we are there :)

--- Quote ---Two other smaller suggestions: (Feel free to ad youre owns if you like!)
-The tv channel EF prime would be great fun to have at the overflew hotell, Intercity in my case. Where not so few that stayed there and we preatty much missed the chance to see the tv shows. Would have loved it if it could be done!
--- End quote ---
I'm not part of the tech-crew - but it's hard enough to live-stream into the hotel - I think there is no way to radio that stuff to the other hotel and feed it into their TV-system as well. I'm pretty sure this will not happen...

--- Quote ----Stands with the newspaper both at overflew hotel but even more important at maritim! As it was now the only reason I knew about it was that there was a couple of copies lying on a table!
--- End quote ---
There were stands with newspapers in the Maritim - one was right next to the art show entrance for example, another pile was at the reception-desk...

Oh, must have missed thoose.  m(

A smaller thing: I think there is a rule against having make up that can smedge but alas there is lots of costumes based around make up, mostly face make up, that would be really neat to take to EF! I have a Cats inspired costume for myself and I knew severel others european fans that has to. While I can understand the risk off having make up smudged up in the fursuits it would still be a lovely thing is thoose costumes could be accepted at EF!


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