Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Suggestion: Official welcome teams for next year!

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--- Quote from: Gero on 06.09.2012, 13:37:46 ----The tv channel EF prime would be great fun to have at the overflew hotell, Intercity in my case. Where not so few that stayed there and we preatty much missed the chance to see the tv shows. Would have loved it if it could be done!
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Even if it was possible to get the signal there (are you volunteering to run 500m of cable through the sewers?), I doubt the overflow hotel would let us do that. They have other guests, you know, so it's unlikely they'd put it on a free channel, and then there's the issue about compatibility of equipment. Which we'd need more of. Plus volunteers to set this up. So: Not gonna happen.

--- Quote ----Stands with the newspaper both at overflew hotel but even more important at maritim! As it was now the only reason I knew about it was that there was a couple of copies lying on a table!
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One standee was directly between the glass elevator doors at the front entrance, the other was just left of the art show door.

--- Quote ---*Also, as some one noticed, the prices at hotel bar was off the scale! I mean 3 euro for a small 0.2l cup of coke or orange joice?
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2,50 for a small beer (0.3l) at the lobby bar was very much OK though.

Jake R:
These last few suggestions aren't about welcome teams, though. =)

I like the suggestion on welcome teams, but I know from experience that they take a lot of time and effort to organize well and are often skipped by the non-newbies, or those who brought a (Google) map. Instead, I would personally try asking the city for permission to hang some arrow signs pointing in the right direction at key locations (and promising to remove them after the convention). This takes roughly an hour or two of on-location work for 2-4 volunteers if prepared well (and again for removal). The only problem with this is making sure the signs aren't vandalised, and pointing in the wrong direction - I suggest using duct tape instead of wires to secure the signs, it might help. =3

Sure it ain't perfect, but it takes a lot less effort and time than it does to have welcome teams. And it's always fun to go out and explore the town =)

Could be me, but seeing it's a straight line from the train station to the main hotel, can someone explain to me the reason for a welcome team? Or even arrows indicating the direction (straight ahead until you walk against the door).

Surely when you travel by train you'll look up how to go and walk before you arrive on the location? Same with arriving by car, you plan your own route to the location, there is no guiding the last few kilometres/miles in Magdenburg for cars either.

For the record; this is my personal opinion.


--- Quote from: MOW on 06.09.2012, 14:14:40 ---
--- Quote from: Gero on 06.09.2012, 13:37:46 ----The tv channel EF prime would be great fun to have at the overflew hotell, Intercity in my case. Where not so few that stayed there and we preatty much missed the chance to see the tv shows. Would have loved it if it could be done!
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Even if it was possible to get the signal there (are you volunteering to run 500m of cable through the sewers?), I doubt the overflow hotel would let us do that. They have other guests, you know, so it's unlikely they'd put it on a free channel, and then there's the issue about compatibility of equipment. Which we'd need more of. Plus volunteers to set this up. So: Not gonna happen.

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Well this isn't the 90's anymore, so no need to run cable for everything. I know there where some ideas floating around to set up an EF-Prime webstream ... but I can't recall what the status of that was.
perhaps it's worth re-evaluating the do-ability.

We have the technology and everything, but there is literally no way to get access to the TV system of the Interconti, seeing as how we're just a minority for them. If we book the hotel solid one day, maybe... :)


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