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--- Quote from: SunWolf on 14.09.2012, 08:23:16 ---It was very confusing. Oh ok, I know the number till 20 but then it goes beyond my knowledge border what concerns roman numbers.

--- End quote ---

EF! It's educamational!

--  00's  10's   20's     30's       40's     50's  60's0's         X    XX     XXX     XL          L         LX     1's  I      XI      XXI      XXXI      XLI      LI      LXI2's  II     XII     XXII     XXXII     XLII     LII     LXII3's  III    XIII    XXIII    XXXIII    XLIII    LIII    LXIII4's  IV    XIV    XXIV    XXXIV    XLIV    LIV    LXIV5's  V     XV     XXV     XXXV     XLV     LV     LXV6's  VI    XVI    XXVI    XXXVI    XLVI    LVI    LXVI7's  VII   XVII   XXVII   XXXVII   XLVII   LVII   LXVII8's  VIII  XVIII  XXVIII  XXXVIII  XLVIII  LVIII  LXVIII9's  IX    XIX    XXIX    XXXIX    XLIX    LIX    LXIX
Next year, Maya numbers, if the world hasn't ended, although the latter is probably not a recommendation  ;D


--- Quote from: Cairyn on 14.09.2012, 11:13:03 ---
--- Quote from: SunWolf on 14.09.2012, 08:23:16 ---It was very confusing. Oh ok, I know the number till 20 but then it goes beyond my knowledge border what concerns roman numbers.

--- End quote ---

EF! It's educamational!

--  00's  10's   20's     30's       40's     50's  60's0's         X    XX     XXX     XL          L         LX     1's  I      XI      XXI      XXXI      XLI      LI      LXI2's  II     XII     XXII     XXXII     XLII     LII     LXII3's  III    XIII    XXIII    XXXIII    XLIII    LIII    LXIII4's  IV    XIV    XXIV    XXXIV    XLIV    LIV    LXIV5's  V     XV     XXV     XXXV     XLV     LV     LXV6's  VI    XVI    XXVI    XXXVI    XLVI    LVI    LXVI7's  VII   XVII   XXVII   XXXVII   XLVII   LVII   LXVII8's  VIII  XVIII  XXVIII  XXXVIII  XLVIII  LVIII  LXVIII9's  IX    XIX    XXIX    XXXIX    XLIX    LIX    LXIX
Next year, Maya numbers, if the world hasn't ended, although the latter is probably not a recommendation  ;D

--- End quote ---

Haha, I've known roman numerals since I was very young, so i had no issues with the page numbers ^_^


--- Quote from: Gero on 13.09.2012, 22:11:10 ---Another vote for a ToC here. would make for much easier to find things.

--- End quote ---

That would be dandy! I forgot the Wifi-password (I wrote it down but ofcourse... forgot where) and digging through the entire book to find it took quite a bit.


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