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EF19 Feedback

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From the top of my head:

1) Security at the elevators to help fursuiters. I only saw it once or twice but wow, thank you for taking time to do that. I was a bit annoyed to realise even with Security telling people "fursuiters first" people would still stare and attempt to enter the elevator though (hugs to the seccie who kept his cool despite this and went like "uh, no")...I totally appreciate Security doing this but guys: fursuits. go. first. You can wait or take the stairs if you're on the first, second or third floor. It is -really- rude to shove a fursuiter aside and it's earned some of you an elbow in the ribs from me. I hope this issue will be less in the new hotel, but I again want to emphasise I really appreciate security trying to help with this. It comes down to common sense and good behaviour though...

2) Another yay for Security: thank you for calming me down when I finally lost it at yet another creep bothering me in the fursuit lounge of all places. Great handling there -- I apologise to the seccie guy that got to hear the worst of my annoyance, good on you for staying professional with this raging woman haha. Special thanks go out to the kind Security lady who took time to talk to me afterwards, it was nice and reassuring to talk to someone who really knows what it's like to hear excuse upon excuse, as I was just so fed up about the behaviour of some of the attendees this year. Maybe she should be called whenever a lady is furious ;-)

Heck Security in general: thank you. I know it's a big convention with tons of people and I'm pleased with how complaints were handled. Swiftly and fairly. You guys put a lot of work into this and it showed.

3) The huge fan at the fursuit lounge. I know the rental company had issues delivering, but it was solved nicely with that big fan.

4) The Dead Dog party. Ace, please be the DJ at the fursuit friendly dance next year?

5) This point I ask you to please correct me on if I'm wrong: the fursuit friendly dance seemed too fast-paced and there were zero familiar songs in the first hour. I know it's hard to please everyone, but for a fursuit friendly dance I'd expect music that is dancable...look at the difference between amount of suiters dancing at Ace's set vs the fursuit friendly dance. IMHO, it's best to start out with slower paced music and then go to the fast beat-y stuff.  
However, I heard it might be because it's not allowed to use copyrighted music due to German law? In that case, ignore this one point, because then I totally understand the music choice.

6) The fursuit photoshoot before the dance....maybe next year we can have some people directing the fursuiters? People were standing for quite a long time before finally getting instructions....only to stand in a completely different way. There were two fans which we tried to get turned on while in suit because people were overheating, but there was no way to plug them in. Last year it went a lot more smooth so I'm not sure what happened. Best would be to have people heard the shee-- I mean fursuiters and give a clear signal when the photographer is ready so people do not stand around overheating. Plus, turn on the two fans if possible or open the doors since no music is played during the photoshoot anyway.

7) The fursuit lounge extension during Dead Dog: thank. you. so. much. I know it was a lot of extra work/time for the team, so THANK YOU :)


--- Quote from: Sithy on 27.08.2013, 13:13:25 ---5) This point I ask you to please correct me on if I'm wrong: the fursuit friendly dance seemed too fast-paced and there were zero familiar songs in the first hour. I know it's hard to please everyone, but for a fursuit friendly dance I'd expect music that is dancable...look at the difference between amount of suiters dancing at Ace's set vs the fursuit friendly dance. IMHO, it's best to start out with slower paced music and then go to the fast beat-y stuff.  
However, I heard it might be because it's not allowed to use copyrighted music due to German law? In that case, ignore this one point, because then I totally understand the music choice.

--- End quote ---
Music choice is difficult to discuss. It'll never please all attendees.
I actually liked the music at the first two hours of the fursuit friendly dance. For me, it had a good pace.

Another point I forgot to mention about the Fursuit Friendly Dance: Sometimes the fog was a bit too much. I was in the middle of the dancefloor and wanted to go outside, and needed someone to point out in which direction the door was. Not sure if I was the only one with that problem.

Fafnir Kristensen:
I would like to remind all the Peter Jackson adepts that the dance floor main purpose is for *dancing*, it's not a movie studio, you are the extra load there, not the dancers, so watch your steps


--- Quote from: Jorinda on 27.08.2013, 13:32:00 ---
--- Quote from: Sithy on 27.08.2013, 13:13:25 ---5) This point I ask you to please correct me on if I'm wrong: the fursuit friendly dance seemed too fast-paced and there were zero familiar songs in the first hour. I know it's hard to please everyone, but for a fursuit friendly dance I'd expect music that is dancable...look at the difference between amount of suiters dancing at Ace's set vs the fursuit friendly dance. IMHO, it's best to start out with slower paced music and then go to the fast beat-y stuff.  
However, I heard it might be because it's not allowed to use copyrighted music due to German law? In that case, ignore this one point, because then I totally understand the music choice.

--- End quote ---
Music choice is difficult to discuss. It'll never please all attendees.
I actually liked the music at the first two hours of the fursuit friendly dance. For me, it had a good pace.
--- End quote ---

It's not so much about pleasing as it is about variety IMHO, like I said, look at the difference between fursuiters dancing at Ace's set vs fursuit friendly dance. Fursuit friendly to me suggests it should be dancable and not just high-paced all the time. Emphasis on 'all the time'.

edited to add: I'm also not looking to turn this into a music discussion btw, just wanted to point it out -- that's all.


--- Quote from: Sithy on 27.08.2013, 13:13:25 ---6) The fursuit photoshoot before the dance....maybe next year we can have some people directing the fursuiters? People were standing for quite a long time before finally getting instructions....only to stand in a completely different way. There were two fans which we tried to get turned on while in suit because people were overheating, but there was no way to plug them in. Last year it went a lot more smooth so I'm not sure what happened. Best would be to have people heard the shee-- I mean fursuiters and give a clear signal when the photographer is ready so people do not stand around overheating. Plus, turn on the two fans if possible or open the doors since no music is played during the photoshoot anyway.

--- End quote ---

Since I was there: that "long time standing" issue happened because the arial platform that Thalian wanted to use for the shoot just decided to bite the dust and refused to work, so 5 people (including the photographer) were busy and 100% focussed on getting it back to work ASAP rather than delaying it further with stopping to give lengthy explanations. :)


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