Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Conbook - feedback and suggestions

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--- Quote from: Rattie on 12.09.2013, 12:30:24 ---
--- Quote from: Sheppy on 12.09.2013, 11:49:52 ---One-Two Sentences about every Sfatt Member - explaining what he does and is.

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I totally agree. The staff of EF should definitely be mentioned in the conbook.

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Unfortunately, the number of pages has a hard limit, so any new feature requires either smaller print, less art, or dropping another feature. The staff listing in the credits section should give you an idea who's who and does what - and that is two pages long already. So many great people working here!

We do appreciate the appreciation though  ;D


--- Quote from: Cairyn on 12.09.2013, 13:49:19 ---We do appreciate the appreciation though  ;D

--- End quote ---

Thank you for appreciating us appreciate you appreciate us all.


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