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Your special, beautiful, and most cherished moments at Eurofurence

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My special moments were...

- leaving men's roads at the zoo behind realizing we had walked into a compound
- pawpetshow: soundtracks & underwater scene: uv illumination and fishs floating thru the room
- earning more spots at roomparties and making new friends there
- furry short movie with the piano under the tree and the (sheets of) music bridging to the furry world
- surf-board riding with prio for preliminaries but free for anyone (<10 secs in fursuit but great fun)

So many wonderful memories from this EF.

My most amazing one was probably the Fursuit-Parade and the people of Magdeburg. As a first-time suiter seeing all these people waving and clapping and cheering, wanting hugs and photos was simply one of the most wonderful experiences in my life. :)

My special moment was similar to that what Furvan experienced:

I was one of the last suiters in the zoo. Taking a little break and waiting for the last bus to arrive, I sat on a bench in the public area (still in my suit). A family (granddad, grandma and two children) approched me. The dad was really excitied, going on about that they finally found "one of the special creatures", and what a fine example of a wolf they had found here, how soft my fur was, how nice my claws were etcetc. Not only that he was totally flattering me (and I was happy that they could not see me blushing under the suit), but he was also more taken away by the magic than the kids, who just stood there gaping with their mouths open. I think I have never seen an non furry adult getting so enthusiastic about a fur suiter in my life.
Finally  - after tons of hugs and fotos - they left, and it was time for me to go as well.
I changed, got my bearings, and went for the exit of the zoo. On my way, I passed the four of them sitting in the cafeteria. As I was already carrying a suspiciously big box (with my fursuit inside) and the granddad watching me thoughtfully, I just gave them a little wave and a smile. His eyes went big, and he asked his family:"Is that the wolf? I think it is the wolf!" I had to laugh hard, but just shrugged, gave them a little wink and walked on, followed by the granddads excited comments: "Yes, I am sure of it, it is our wolf. It is really him..."

Later that week, at the parade, I actually met them again - twice! They doubled back after I passed them the first time so they could see and greet more of "their" wolf, how they kept calling me since the zoo.
That whole experience really warmed my heart, and puts a smirk on my face every time I think about it. I never thought that bystanders could get so attached to suiters (whom they never met before) as to follow them/look out for them and get so happy when they find them again. It shows me once more how much joy and delight a suiter can deliver to all the (non furry) people out there, and how much appreciated the fandom can be even by non furries.


--- Quote from: Drift on 31.08.2013, 16:03:24 ---My special moment was similar to that what Furvan experienced:

I was one of the last suiters in the zoo. Taking a little break and waiting for the last bus to arrive, I sat on a bench in the public area (still in my suit). A family (granddad, grandma and two children) approched me. The dad was really excitied, going on about that they finally found "one of the special creatures", and what a fine example of a wolf they had found here, how soft my fur was, how nice my claws were etcetc. Not only that he was totally flattering me (and I was happy that they could not see me blushing under the suit), but he was also more taken away by the magic than the kids, who just stood there gaping with their mouths open. I think I have never seen an non furry adult getting so enthusiastic about a fur suiter in my life.

...I never thought that bystanders could get so attached to suiters (whom they never met before) as to follow them/look out for them and get so happy when they find them again. It shows me once more how much joy and delight a suiter can deliver to all the (non furry) people out there, and how much appreciated the fandom can be even by non furries.

--- End quote ---

   You know...I am beginning to suspect that there is really no such thing as a "non furry"...only "unrealised" ones - and I think that your experience just helped to confirm that.

There was several great moments. One was when preliminary charity amount was announced. Charity lady was so touched. But what I almost liked more was when Pinky added that all we did was raise some money, but they have devoted their whole life helping those animals, they are the real heroes here. So true.

Another thing I'm going to remember for a long time lasted just few seconds, but so these things often do. In fursuit parade, I was trying to catch up the head of the parade so I was moving quickly. Lot of people were watching the parade and there was also young man in wheelchair. The happiness on his face was just indescribable. It made me so happy and I felt so good of being part of this fandom.


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