Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Who was watching EFprime?

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Twitter was nice help for leaving bus trip notes as panther could not be everywhere at same time :3

We watched every morning while having breakfast on the room, and often had it on in the background!
I really love that EF has its own TV channel and I always enjoy watching it, especially when I'm too tired to go to stage events after suiting I can still watch them on EF Prime :)

The only thing I wondered about: Quite a few times in the morning, around 10am there was nothing running, just black screen and the twitter bar, was it supposed to be like that?

I didn't watch EF Prime often.
I found it most useful for Uncle Kage's story hour. I had a backache and could just watch that panel lying on my bed - perfect  ;D.
I also tried watching part of the Pawpet Show. But sadly, either the music was incredibly loud or the voices were too low - either I did not understand what was said, or had to turn up the volume until the music was blasting.

I watched it a couple of times while resting in my room, as well as for the first half of the pawpet show.

I did notice the better picture quality, a friend commented on it as well, very nice! :)
Clover: We're talking about an analogue signal on CRT TVs, this is about as good as it gets on this hardware.

Really enjoyed it!.

Could be nice to have live feeds from lobby and maybe dealers den from time to time though, probably more fun than watching old cfz and ac movies.


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