Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Who was watching EFprime?

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James The Dog:
I watched some of it, but I wasn't really in the room enough to really see much of it, was having too much fun :D! A shame there wasn't a TV in the lobby showing it this year, but the snack point was where the TV had been before, and I guess there was nowhere else in the lobby to put it, and the one at the entrance to the stage could only be seen when the doors were open.


--- Quote from: James The Dog on 30.08.2013, 20:09:08 ---I watched some of it, but I wasn't really in the room enough to really see much of it, was having too much fun :D! A shame there wasn't a TV in the lobby showing it this year, but the snack point was where the TV had been before, and I guess there was nowhere else in the lobby to put it, and the one at the entrance to the stage could only be seen when the doors were open.

--- End quote ---

Totally agreed! Mostly for the twitter feed. But I guess it did mean less trolling of it, from people sitting at the lobby bar. :P

Yep that would be great idea !

- Having one or two camera in the Lobby / Bar
- Having a beamer in the lobby and a large display to play EF prime :)

Jake R:
I watched it... I think twice, once during the banner brawl (because my back demanded I lay down for a bit), and once while sitting at someone else's room. I might've watched it more but all other times I was in my room I was there to quickly drop off / pick up things, take a shower, or sleep.

That said, I probably would've watched it more if I hadn't been so busy working. So yes, great job, please don't stop doing this! =)

Santa fox:
I watched it on quite a few occasions, and I quite liked it. Didn't really get much of an chance to last year, but I definately liked it this year.


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