Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

Poll: Eurofurence 11 - Pawpetshow Video

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Onkel Kage:
I am old-fashioned.  I prefer a DVD (hopefully region-free).

That was the Eurofurence where my parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  It would be a nice present to give to them for Christmas this year!


--- Quote from: Onkel Kage on 06.10.2013, 05:27:31 ---I am old-fashioned.  I prefer a DVD (hopefully region-free).

--- End quote ---

All our DVDs have always been region free - the problem is the different SD television standards (PAL vs. NTSC). They both have different pixel aspect ratios and frame rates, and for some reason, multi-format players seem to never have caught on in the US - so many US dvd players will reject the disc showing the "incompatible region" screen, although the disc is not region coded at all.

(In fact, consumer equipment as we use doesn't even allow content encryption or region coding or all that fancy crap the industry uses to turn customers into criminals.)

Unfortunately, you can't just press a button in the DVD authoring software and export both formats. The way DVDs work, you basically have to convert and re-encode all the source material, and then build the entire DVD from scratch, including every single video, intro, menu and you'll even have to re-time the subtitles and resample the audio because the pulldown process changes the running time.

In short: It's a nightmare. So the DVD will definitely be PAL only, I am sorry. DVD players on a PC or a laptop will probably have no issue playing it, but stand-alone players need to be multi-format compatible.

--- Quote ---That was the Eurofurence where my parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  It would be a nice present to give to them for Christmas this year!

--- End quote ---

I think your parents' anniversary was one year later, at EF12 ...

I'd definitely PAY for a digital download but really DISLIKE DVDs.

For the paid digital download at least the main show, should be available as a video file to watch directly though, the rest on DVD images would be fine

It would be a nice addition to my EF X DVD :)


--- Quote from: Adrixan on 07.10.2013, 07:43:11 ---I'd definitely PAY for a digital download but really DISLIKE DVDs.

For the paid digital download at least the main show, should be available as a video file to watch directly though, the rest on DVD images would be fine

--- End quote ---

The download would definitely be in the form of DVD images. The raw material is interlaced PAL video, and there's no other format that correctly handles field encoding.  (Or to be more precise, no other format has widely available support for that in encoders & players. Same goes for stuff like multi-angle. Theoretically it's all possible, but try finding a player that is actually aware of those features. Good luck :) )


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