If it is enough to look like a nice KangarooWolf and a nice Badger, then here we are:
Me goofing around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HEZVH7Yn7Y
How it works:
You write me a mail at KeksTheFurry@googlemail.com if you are interested. The mail MUST include ALL informations that are listened here! The best would be to copy the text here and simply fill it out.
- Your Nickname:
- Your special talent [e.g. breakdancing, backflips, parcour, Skateboarding, something else that would be cool in a video]:
- A photo of yourself in Fursuit [if you have a fursuit]:
- A photo how you will look like at eurofurence [We need to find you somehow and we will use the picture only for this matter. Including a photo of yourself is - however - not nessassary if you are a fursuiter and if you want to hide your face, but it is a lot of less work for us to find you if we have a photo]:
- The time you usually wake up [We want to use the "golden hour" to film some scenes and that would be early in the morning]:
- The information how we can contact you a few days before the convention [email only]:
- A german telephone number to call you at EF [optional]: