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EF20 unofficial Paw Pet Show recording

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Like last year,4695.0.html

and the year before that

and the year before THAT

I plan to organise a recording of the Paw Pet Show that is as good as my limited abilities allow it.
However I need some help!

The Plan(tm)

Cameras E+F

* Position: In the back, filming the entire stage. Cameras do NOT move.
* Help needed: Someone to focus them after the curtain openes and to check for battery+SD cards
* F will most likely carry a Zoom H6 audio recorder and some microphones for our primary sound
* E may or may not be a Blackmagic Cinema Camera recording 2.5K to a SSD driveHelpers:  MISSING, MISSING

Camera G

* Position: In the back, filming the projector. Most likely running backout audio. Camera does NOT move.
* Equipment needed: a CCD camera (no Cmos), 720p or better, tripod
* Help needed: Someone to handle exposure and to check for battery+SD cardsHelper: MISSING

Camera C+D

* Position: In the left and right center, MOVING to do 2 character shots (both parties in a dialogue).
* equipment: Panasonic GH1 cameras or GH2 with a GH1 mounted on top
* Help needed: Someone to smoothly move the camera, focus after the curtain openes, handle exposure and to check for battery+SD cardsHelpers: Rattie, MISSING

Camera A+B

* position: In the left and right front, doing medium shots or medium close ups as close to "over the shoulder" as perspective allows.
* equipment: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras
* No help needed. Another camera operator experienced with this camera and myself will do this.Helpers: Suran, Draconius

Help needed

As you can see above, a number of helpers are needed to operate the equipment.
It's not difficult.
You'll also be given printed instructions how to handle the camera (battery, recording indicator, sd-card slot)
and an example of what part of the stage to frame. Also some hands-on training of how to move it smoothly and what to frame while moving the camera.
We're talking about simple tasks like pushing a red button to start/stop and checking that it actually blinks.
Pushing another button if it's blury.
Switching batteries during the breaks.
Lifting the camera up when everyone stands up during the curtain call.

Also a recording of the audience during the expected standing ovations would be great!

Someone experienced with recording sound would be a great help in setting up and monitoring our master audio recording.
(It's more important then the image.)

Equipment needed

Fast SD cards (Sandisk Extreme Pro 64GB or Extreme 128GB for the Blackmagics and anything fast and large for the GH2 would be great),
batteries for Blackmagic Pocket/Nikon J1, batteries for Panasonic GH1+GH2.
Good microphones. A pair of highly directional microphones works great to get the main sound without picking up too much of the audience. Mine are decent but not very good.
Any aditional video or audio recording you have. There's is ALWAYS something important failing. So any kind of backup is greatly apreciated. Should however be at least 720p (better 1080p) and 25fps)


Last year I spend too much time on tracking and rotoscoping.
So this year I'm thinking about
2 weeks to get organised
1 week/scene for editing
1 week/scene for additional denoising, tracking, color grading
so we're looking at 20+ weeks.
Probably 24 including finishing up the "DVD menu" and stuff.
So it should be finished in late January/early February.

We still need at least 3 helpers.
1 to operate and pan a camera and
2 to look after cameras that sits still and just records.

We also may be short 1 or 2 tripods.

I might take on a position E-G (if position G: I have no filmimg equip of my own, but could supply a mccullan photo tripod. Quality's ok as long as there's no earthquake :))



--- Quote from: Ragear on 10.07.2014, 21:40:25 ---I might take on a position E-G (if position G: I have no filmimg equip of my own, but could supply a mccullan photo tripod. Quality's ok as long as there's no earthquake :))


--- End quote ---

Yes, that would be great. :)

Most things are organised.
additional SD-cards, tripods, video-heads and batteries ordered. (How can something as small as an SD-card be so expensive?)
laminated reference sheets for all helpers will be created. (SD-card slow, indicators and buttons on the specific camera, how the image should look like, how to focus, change batteries and SD-cards.)

We are still short 2 helpers for cameras C and D.
3 in case anyone with a room on a lower level offers to charge some batteries during act II.


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