Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

EF20 unofficial Paw Pet Show recording

<< < (2/3) > >>

2 Weeks until EF starte and we are only missing 1 helper (instead of 2).
Everything else is organised.
The last camera was shipped yesterday.

(Organisation happens via email, that's why it's so empty here.)

Arctic Steve:
I could offer my assistance like last year though i've not got a decent camera and at best it's useful for backup incase something fails.

Oh, we have a great additional camera but not yet anyone to man it.

Arctic Steve:
Sweet. The less I have to bring with me, the better.. I've repaired my tripod too since last year.

I'll set up a password protected etherpad or wiki tonight to reduce the number of emails for organizing everything within the team gets out of hand.


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