Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Cocktails at the bar

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Hi all!

I really had a blast at Eurofurence again, but there's one thing which bugs me, and that's the cocktails. Not the pricing, mind you, but the quality. I had a Black Ice on the first day, and it tasted mostly like Cassis with water. Two others told me the same thing, so I raised the issue with Nightfox, and he later told me it has been addressed.

At the last day, I had a Jehova, and it wasn't very tasty either. It could have been me - I think I wasn't really sober anymore - but again, I didn't hear a lot of good things about the other cocktails from the furs at my table (except about one non-alcoholic one, go figure).

My question is: What did you think of the drinks? I'm interested to find out if there's a trend so that it needs to be addressed again with the hotel, or if my experiences have been just a bit of bad luck. - And I also missed the black beer (Köstritzer) from the Maritim...

I concur. Had a Black Ice after the PPS - tasted like fruit juice. Tried again with a Bloody Mary on Sunday - that tasted like just tomato juice and lemon. In a 2dl glass. For 10 Euros. No decoration, no spices, no alcohol, I didn't even get tabasco or sth similar with it until I explicitly asked.

Naah, Cocktails are really something the Estrel should improve upon.

Agreed. Had a spooge special on the first night, was quite disappointing, had another one of the other days, with the same result. It seemed like most the bar staff were used to just pouring beers, and not mixing drinks.

same here, had a spooge and it just taste like juice, same with the Estrel Drive!

I am totally disappointed!

Some rules for hotel feedback:

If you get a drink you don't like, demand a new drink RIGHT AWAY. If they don't give you one, go to the front desk with your drink, and complain to the shift manager. It's a four star hotel, you pay four-star prices, you have a right to four-star quality drinks. Retro-Actively complaining about incidents is understandable ... but unless you tell us the exact time and the name of the waiter, there is nothing we can do, and there is nothing the hotel management can do days after the fact. They have no interest in unhappy customers, but if they can't find the culprit, it's worthless.

Take your complaint to ... if you still have the receipt for your drink, please look up the exact drink, time and day and let them know by email to

Don't complain to us, please! We wholeheartedly agree with you, this is not acceptable. But we can't do anything for you days after the fact.


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