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Big thank you to the fursuit team 2014

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It was my first year that I fully use the fursuit lounge because the ban of the use of fans in our rooms.

The Isotonic drink (Eurofurence Orange) was a brilliant idea : it's a "homemade" energetic drink and it was way more effective than any other drink available in the fursuit lounge. When you're used to drink Powerade, Gatorade drinks you really enjoy that sugar/salty orange taste. Do you plan to sell bottles in the Dealer's den ? ^^

Nothing else to say about the fursuit lounge. Maybe add few mirrors and few clocks and it will be perfect !

Congrats to the fursuit team ! You must (and should) be very proud of your hard work.  8)

Thanks again for all the positive feedback to the fursuit support-team and the fursuit lounge. :)
It's really great to hear that most of you were satisfied. :3

--- Quote from: Vector on 29.08.2014, 22:30:28 ---Nothing else to say about the fursuit lounge. Maybe add few mirrors and few clocks and it will be perfect !
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As far as I know, we intended to have at least three mirrors for the fursuit lounge, but two of them already (irreparably) broke at delivery.
The only one that was left was also damaged at the upper corner, but at least we were able to tape this one. :P
I really hope that this works out better next year so that we'll definitely get at least three (undamaged) mirrors for the lounge.
I totally agree with you on the point that we need more than only one of them.

And concerning the clocks: We installed a rather big clock at the left side of the fursuit lounge (over the tables with the yellow blowers), but unfortunately a lot of fursuiters didn't even noticed it.
It happend definitely more than ten times that suiters came to me asking for the current time and after pointing at the huge clock above their heads, they were actually surprised they haven't seen it.
So yeah, maybe it was installed a bit too high above the ground/tables (that was my personal impression), or the location of the clock was a bit unfavorable in general, maybe we'll find a better place for it next year, so that everyone directly sees it. :3

And thanks for the positive feedback on the isotonic drink. :)
It was an own mixture of the team, so I'm sure that it won't be sold in the Dealer's Den. :P

And concerning the topic of blocking the dryers with lycras, balaclavas, etc. :
Yes, this is strictly forbidden and as soon as we're seeing something like that, we are impelled to remove them (or when the owners are present, to kindly ask them to remove their stuff from the blowers).
Unfortunately we also can't always have an eye for that. Maybe we should put big "Do not..."-signs next to the blowers, but people also tend to ignore them.
Edit: And by the way: We had a special "drying-station" only for balaclavas, lycras, etc. in the lower left corner of the fursuit lounge (left to the entrance) and many fursuiters also used this opportunity.

Same goes for the fact that a lot of fursuiters leave their stuff (heads, handpaws,...) on the blowers for several hours or a whole day without removing them, what's also not permitted.

--- Quote from: Drift on 29.08.2014, 17:08:42 ---- I always and in any occasion felt well taken care of, and like le tigre I also had the notion that the staff was cleaning and resupplying faster than I could consume and waste  ;)
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Hehe. ;)


--- Quote from: Klaatu on 31.08.2014, 23:51:40 ---
As far as I know, we intended to have at least three mirrors for the fursuit lounge, but two of them already (irreparably) broke at delivery.

--- End quote ---

Yes, two of them were broken already when they arrived at the hotel.

--- Quote ---And concerning the clocks: We installed a rather big clock at the left side of the fursuit lounge (over the tables with the yellow blowers), but unfortunately a lot of fursuiters didn't even noticed it.

--- End quote ---

Yes, that was the one with the baroque clock face, and being set against the background of the glass wall (above the construction fences) didn't help. IMO the budget for the fursuit lounge is now large enough that Mystifur could afford buying two or three of those large LED clocks that burn out your retinas, and pop one on each end of the lounge.
...and if that doesn't work, staple a huge clock onto each water keg.  ;D

yes! Really thank you fursuit team!

PS: can you told me the spray name to clean and kill bacteria? I'm looking for it in Italy

First: Again many and big thanks to Mystifur and the whole staff of the fursuit longue! <3

It was my first time at EF as fursuiter, neverthless I already entered in the FL as spotter and helper in the previous years.

I can say almost everything was perfect: the many different kinds of beverange, the snacks (which really helps to raise after an exausting performance), the userful clock, the anctibacterians and sewing kits always avaiable, the many fans and chairs all around. These were more than perfect!

But I wrote 'almost perfect' before, because IMHO there are points which the FL can improve:
-The clock wasn't so vibible, I noticed it only when a friend pointed me it;
-The vacuum cleaner should be always visible and not hidden somewhere, and it should be avaiable especially the whole days of Sunday and Monday (so also in the temporary FL), when peeps really need it for the upcoming departures;
-The main point: with the massive raising of fursuiters in the last years, the drying spots for bodies, heads and gloves seems to be not enough now. I already noticed that at EF19, I prefered to dry my own fursuit in my room, especially when there are close fursuit-events which need the fursuit gets dry fast and there is not time to wait a free spot, and it could be frustrating.

But, again, thanks very much!


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