Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Queues and Queuing: The Who, The Why, The Where and the When

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Blue Raptor:
Well of course you could hand out (colored) queue number sheets and put a sign over the door up to which number, or block of numbers entrance is allowed now when it opens, like airlines do with seat rows or zone on plane boarding.

The main point is noone would have to be actually WAITING that long if there was one long delay announced right away instead of many small ones.
Like when there are some troubles that could e.g. take 30 minutes but might likely take 45 minutes or an hour or an hour and half, you should imo just delay it by two hours. Instead of keeping people trapped in line by telling them it will delay another 20 or 30 minutes from now on, over and over.
Even if it does NOT take that long to fix everything then, the show will start later than it could have, but noone has to actually WAIT all the time because they can all go off and DO something, even have food somewhere outside of the hotel with 2 hours to work with, knowing for sure it won't start without them if they do.

(Yes, in the case of this year, the first delay was one whole hour, but after that it started with the usual "30 more minutes" marathon)


--- Quote from: Blue Raptor on 05.09.2014, 20:00:30 ---Well of course you could hand out (colored) queue number sheets and put a sign over the door up to which number, or block of numbers entrance is allowed now when it opens, like airlines do with seat rows or zone on plane boarding.

The main point is noone would have to be actually WAITING that long if there was one long delay announced right away instead of many small ones.
Like when there are some troubles that could e.g. take 30 minutes but might likely take 45 minutes or an hour or an hour and half, you should imo just delay it by two hours. Instead of keeping people trapped in line by telling them it will delay another 20 or 30 minutes from now on, over and over.
Even if it does NOT take that long to fix everything then, the show will start later than it could have, but noone has to actually WAIT all the time because they can all go off and DO something, even have food somewhere outside of the hotel with 2 hours to work with, knowing for sure it won't start without them if they do.

(Yes, in the case of this year, the first delay was one whole hour, but after that it started with the usual "30 more minutes" marathon)

--- End quote ---

The thing is the queuing will happen if theres a ticket system or not. people would queue to be the first one on the sign up sheets!!

With regards to delays, as has been said many times before, most of the time the length of the delay is not known beforehand, we could say 2 hours and the delay could be 10 minutes or the delay could be 4 hours. we just dont know.

Exactly, especially with technical problems, it often happens that fixing one leads to the discovery of nother that wasn't apparent before.

And I don't even want to know about the outrage if a delay of two hours would be announced to cover all possible delays, and the doors would open after one hour because it had been fixed quicker than anticipated, with people now having left and not returning in timeā€¦ So you see, it's a difficult topic.

Blue Raptor:
Um, if you'd delay it for two hours, that means of course NOT opening the doors until after that two hours.


--- Quote from: dougalwuff on 04.09.2014, 00:40:44 ---I think it's time we give up on queuing as the system for the pawpet show. There's too many people and not enough seats, so people try to get there an hour in advance, just to be sure of getting a seat.

--- End quote ---

Not enough seats?

I was in that queue as well, around 7pm. Then came the announcement that the PPS is delayed for another 2 hours. So I left and went for dinner.
When I came back, the last people from the queue entered the stage, so I followed. I was sitting at the left side from the FoH desk, with a good view of the stage. And there were lots of empty seats around.
Even in the previous years, I entered the room as one of the latest. And always found an empty seat.


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