Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback 2015

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Holy moly, that was a great con. Especially how smooth the hotel personnel was working with us this time, and how friendly they were. Conversations with the waitress at the Estrel Stube were part of the joy of eating there, next to the HUGE meals you get for your money.
Also, the hotel didn't say a thing when I picked up my sushi and pizza orders at the reception. Thanks for letting that slip, I guess. :)
Sound and light setup at the stage(s) were very good this time. The "as if they just pushed the Open Air button and left it like that" feeling didn't come up this time. Shame I didn't have much time nor energy to enjoy the dances. Will make sure to do so next year!
Oh, and one more thing that left an impression regarding security: Every single time a situation or person catched my eye that could possibly be in need of assistance, I shortly after noticed that a security guy was already there, standing anywhere nearby and observing the scene. Security was practically everwhere at any time they were needed, and really left the impression that the wellbeing of our attendees is secured. Very well done!

At the moment, I could only think of few things to improve:

* Internet coverage. The hotel wifi was a pain to use, and almost never worked (this login page that would always ask you to choose a data plan would mostly throw me back to the same page; also, there's this certain danger of accidently clicking the wrong data choice...). Dealers in the D-Den didn't seem to have internet at all, which is kinda bad for them, I guess....and some minor things:

* The way to the Art Show: Better close the door next to the stage, and open the door between D-Den and AS again. Walking that huge, undecorated and cold hall all the way over to the AS kinda felt like walking to the end of the world.
* Personally, I imagined the Chillout Lounge to be more relaxed. There was enough space for that in the glass-roofed hall where the Fursuit Lounge was last year.
* As much as I was looking forward to the charity photo shoot, I'd like us to reconsider if we want to do that ever again. The otter kinda seemed very unhappy about it.
I think there was one more thing that I needed to get off my mind, but I can't seem to find it in the chaos inside my head that EF has left. The more I'm done, the better the party obviously was! Will post again when it comes back.


--- Quote from: Ray Liehm on 25.08.2015, 20:17:48 ---...

As the person directly responsible for the Charity Auction, I feel that I need to add my two cents here (I apologise if I repeat a few things that have already been said). The problem with the Charity Auction is that there is only a limited amount of time in which to sell the items, given the two hour timeslot and that the time has to be shared with the general Art Auction as well. Because of that, we can only accept a certain maximum number of items to Charity Auction, and sometimes this means that items have to be grouped together, in order to fit them in and to give them the best chance of raising as much money at Auction as possible. I did my best to let the donators know that their items may be grouped this way, and the donator of the bottles was informed that they were likely to be auctioned off together (along with the advertising panels that were also donated later). They made a natural set together, and it allowed more items to make it to Auction overall.

--- End quote ---
I found out at art show closing that my two puppet head-bases were bundled. Several people had asked me before EF if they could get one puppet head - nobody had asked for two - I had told everybody that there would be two individual pieces in the auction. After the auction I got all the complains from the bidders that only wanted one. Don't do that again without asking me.

Heya Pinky and Ray Liehm...
I want to thank you for both your statements.
And I hope I could give some constructive feedback (it seemed that way, judging from both your answers) of things that might have gone wrong. Which totally can happen, we are human after all.
Sort of...
You know what I mean.  ;D

Also thank you for clearing up some things I really wasn't aware of.
Overall I totally loved the Charity events as a big whole thing and I'm so happy that I too could play my part in making them speechless again by donating, using the lottery, getting a sketch from Baseball (which was awesome by the way) and getting some items from the Amazon wishlist.
Thank you for providing that possibility to help.


--- Quote from: draconigen on 25.08.2015, 22:11:24 ---At the moment, I could only think of few things to improve:

* The way to the Art Show: Better close the door next to the stage, and open the door between D-Den and AS again. Walking that huge, undecorated and cold hall all the way over to the AS kinda felt like walking to the end of the world.
--- End quote ---

I would disagree on that point.
Last year, the traffic felt a lot higher and more annoying in the DD, especially up to the door leading to the Art Show and Photoshoot.
To lessen that traffic and sometimes forming queues at the entrance to the second room, it was divided.

And to be honest, while the extra way might not have been the best looking part of the convention, how often do you really need to visit the AS?
If enough people are interested in a certain object, it very likely will reach the bid-limit anyway and land in auction.
If there is not enough interest, visiting 2 or 3 times should be enough, especially if you show up before closing to maybe "safe" the bid in case someone else had placed a higher one.

Anyway, I guess the better solution would be to hopefully find a way to decorate the hall and not make it look so bleak. ^^


--- Quote from: draconigen on 25.08.2015, 22:11:24 ---The way to the Art Show: Better close the door next to the stage, and open the door between D-Den and AS again. Walking that huge, undecorated and cold hall all the way over to the AS kinda felt like walking to the end of the world.
--- End quote ---

On the other hand, the queueing space in Hall B proved invaluable. It might have been empty most of the time but there were times when the hall was full of people. I wouldn't know where else to put them. (We also do not have any space in the Art Show any more for people to queue.) Access to the Art Show through the Dealers' Den, as we did in 2014, is a practical, logistical, and security nightmare so this will not return.

I do agree that Hall B was not very pretty though. So much space should lead to some MAD DECORATIONZ opportunities.


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