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Feedback 2015

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--- Quote from: djem on 25.08.2015, 13:42:29 ---... and finaly able to bring some lasers ! :D Hope you enjoyed all.
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They were f*cking awesome. Please bring them next year again! They really helped to fill that large room.

Besides, I liked the overall stage concept. This thing really rocked and fitted perfectly to the convention theme. In total: Just wow!

Concerning the Art Show Entrance, I strongly agree with Sheena and Cairyn. Making the door in the Dealer's Den the main entrance was (and probably would be again) a nightmare. The long way we had there now indeed had a lack of decoration or meaning so people might not feel so invited to walk there but on the other hand, how often do you really need to go there? From an artist's point of view it's also quite dangerous to drag large pieces of art through the crowded Den, what would probably be necessary during the Art Show closing.

I wondered though how the door placement did affect the buyers this year compared to last year. Did the possible Art Show bidders get "distracted" last year by all those shiny cool Dealer's Den things on there way to the Art Show or did they tend to save the money for the show? Now after a year without the necessity to visit both rooms to get to the Art Show, is it possible to tell that?

Maybe a nice compromise would be to simply open both doors though the one from this year should be clearly marked as main entrance but personally I would rather suggest to decorate it a bit or so.

What I rather like to criticise on the Art Show is the short amount of time it was actually opened. I know how tight the time table had been in the years where the auction was placed right before the PPS or a dance to offer a larger time frame - and how that led to terrible delays. (And as it seems while looking at the criticism about the charity auction the current time frame still is not enough for that.) However: With a set up taking place over two days (one afternoon-evening, one morning) and closing already on friday, there remains a large group of people that never even get a chance to have a look into the Art Show at all: Day visitors and people who can't manage to arrive before Friday evening/saturday because of their jobs. The Art Show has always been a large part of the Convention just as it has been a large part within the whole fandom and apart from making money either for the artists or with charity objects, it is not just a great way but often the only way to really see the pictures of your favorite artist or fursuit maker in HD, without watermarks on and not limited by the size and quality of your monitor. Please give it more time to entertain the guests with that. We're putting a large amount of work and energy in those pictures and the Dealer's Den can't compensate this (or vice versa) because a market place is something completely different than a gallery. Also the Art Show offers a good opportunity for artists without a DD table to present their art, may it be personally or even with an agent because they can't make it to the con at all.
I know arranging a time table is a very tricky thing but please please please think that over.

Another thing about the Art Show: Some panels (e.g. mine) were poorly lit while others had a perfect bright lighting that attracted people naturally. My "masterpiece" that year was a night scene with a strong contrast that looked completely dull because of that. It didn't sell, probably not only because of the lighting and its position but also because people just didn't like it (I guess), but in my opinion it would have a better chance to get actually noticed with a better lighting. (And same problem with the Charity panels that were in that corner, too.)

Apart from that, the management, communication and last but not least polite and patient behavior of the Art Show team was really amazing! (No, no sarcasm here. ;) ) You guys tried your best to handle every needs and questions in the best possible way. Thanks also to the little hard-working minions runners who helped out at the end of the show. The payout at the end was a bit delayed and slow but with those huge sums you have to deal with I'm happy if you rather take your time than messing this up in a hurry. *hugs to you* You guys are awesome!

I have another feedback/critique concerning the Art Show - and it goes directly to the ARTISTS:
1) If you can't manage to visit the con or bring art or have some space left, communicate that. At Thursday 12 o'clock when the Art Show opened up for the Sponsors the other 3 of 4 panels in my corner were EMPTY. Completely. Nobody knew why. If not some good soul would have hanged some charity objects there people would have barely noticed my pancel because it looked so empty. Thanks, dear charity art show person!
2) If you only got a table due to overbooking, move yourself into the Art Show shortly before the Set Up is done and ask if some panels are left. There would have been a few you would have been able to use - if you just would have showed up there in time. Later on it's not possible to move the pictures anymore because possible interested people might miss your artwork at the original table and then won't bid on it. Take care of your artwork, you can only win. :)

Sorry dear Art Show team for this huge Art Show "rant" but due to really bad personal time management I was missing a large part of the con so I can't really judge about the other parts. :/

The Artist's Lounge was great! So much space, so many funny people! Especially in less crowded situations it felt pretty cold in there though and some people might have actually became a cold afterwards because of that. Is there a way to rise the temperature in single rooms or would that have an impact to other rooms, too, that would need a much colder air?

The Artist's Alley got ignored by many people so this wasn't quite helpful but AlphaKi already stated in the Closing Ceremony that was a communication mistake with the hotel and there will be improvements next year.

The people on the bar were nice. 3,50 Euro for a coke seemed to be a bit crazy because you can get a 1,5-2l bottle of coke for this price on the next supermarket but of course you can't empty that bottle in the lounge, so the possibility to drink it in a more comfortable environment than your room is kind of part of the price, I guess. ^^

The elevator I was in was really overheated. Is it possible to improve the air conditioning there?

Apart from that, you guys were all so great and crazy and patient and heart warming and hard-working and funny, both attendees and staff! Although I didn't really had that much time at the consite, I don't want to miss a single minute. ^^

Ok, that's all folks!


--- Quote from: SiranaJHelena on 26.08.2015, 00:25:43 ---I wondered though how the door placement did affect the buyers this year compared to last year. Did the possible Art Show bidders get "distracted" last year by all those shiny cool Dealer's Den things on there way to the Art Show or did they tend to save the money for the show? Now after a year without the necessity to visit both rooms to get to the Art Show, is it possible to tell that?
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I haven't noticed a drop in bidders or bidding last year; this year has an increase in registered bidders again. Seems to follow the upward trend, but I did not make any real statistics to back it up with reliable numbers.

--- Quote from: SiranaJHelena on 26.08.2015, 00:25:43 ---What I rather like to criticise on the Art Show is the short amount of time it was actually opened.

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Personally I would love to offer longer opening times. However, we are boxed in by the overall length of the convention and the processes surrounding the Art Show. If we were just an exhibition, we could open Thursday early morning and have artists collect their art Saturday evening - but we do have the whole sales process that surrounds it, and which needs to be executed in a certain sequence (no auction before closing, no payout before sales, no sales before auction...).

Essentially, Saturday is completely taken up with the auction-sales-payout process. With the auction covering both regular and charity items, and being of sometimes unpredictable length, there need to be overflow times and breaks, and as this year shows, the scheduled times themselves may need to be longer too. So, there is simply no room left for a Saturday opening (as sad as this is for Saturday Day Pass owners), and Sunday is already needed for breakdown so no part of the process can be moved there.

Opening on Wednesday is also not possible since many artists only arrive on Wednesday or even Thursday morning, and we can't open while a majority of artists are still setting up - the danger of damages would be too high (not to mention the certainty of annoyances).

This leaves only Thursday and Friday for opening, which are both already covered for the most part. Closing should not interfere with major evening events either, so... no wiggle room left.

You may have noticed that we already added 2 hours of regular opening time to Thursday evening (until 20:00) to accomodate dealers that can now visit after the Dealers' Den closes.

--- Quote from: SiranaJHelena on 26.08.2015, 00:25:43 ---Another thing about the Art Show: Some panels (e.g. mine) were poorly lit while others had a perfect bright lighting that attracted people naturally.

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At the moment there are three light sources: The hall's light, the bleachers' rim light, and the additional lights that we set up because the hall's lighting is insufficient for an Art Show  ;D

This causes some inequalities in the lighting. I agree that it is not optimal (we will never have the same kind of overall lighting again that we had in Magdeburg) but for the front part I think the light is sufficient if all lights are switched on. We already got rid of the "wall panels" that we had last year by changing all wall-facing panels into full niches. Further additions to the lighting would be quite cost-intensive and cannot be covered at the moment.

The real pain point for me is the back part of the adult section (where we had the queueing area last year), which was really dark in comparison. Unfortunately additional lighting would disturb the Photoshoot's own lighting, so we had no extra light set up in that area. The black molton of the Photoshoot walls doesn't help the brightness either. Furthermore the panel setup in that area suffered from inferior panels that forced us to create one-panel niches.

A huge overbooking of Art Show panels forced us to set these up, but it really is not optimal. We will work on the lighting issues but it may take some drastic changes to find an effective solution.

Thanks for your positive view though, we are trying to improve on everything!

Oh yeah, forgot to mentoin ! If the two people from Netherlands are reading this, thanks for keeping company for me and my roommate at 4am when we were waiting for the train (and hope you got to the Hostel safetly haha) ! I wish I got your names but I forgot to ask, I hope we can see each other next year !


--- Quote from: Reshi on 25.08.2015, 16:50:36 ---
- EF Prime was good but it was spazzing out sometimes, but I see it has been discussed about already here ^^ But the playlist or whatever for the videos seemed to have very few different videos, as I would see the same ones all the time (I don't mind but seeing the same video three times in one hour was kinda annoying)

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I'm actually curious to know which one that was, or which day. We had a total amount of more than 40 hours of individual programming this year (not counting the live shows), and the individual show was being rerun only two or three times during the entire 5 days.


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