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80's Dance at the Eurofurence 21. An Reflection.

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--- Quote from: Cheetah on 01.09.2015, 17:40:06 ---
--- Quote ---- One final thing: the bass... whoever decided it was a good idea to have the bass speakers under the stage... that vinyl players were going to be sitting on... well... heh... no

--- End quote ---

I'm replying because I talked to Garra while it was happening :) Placing the subwoofers in front of the stage or partly under the stage is pretty standard, and there is not really a different viable position for subwoofers. However, nobody really knew that turntables were going to be used.

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I said I was going to do so. However, the vibrations were THAT bad during my set.... worse than anything I had seen before. So bad I was happy I didn't bother even bringing any lights to the dance. Vibrations so bad that they threaten to tilt over bottles of beer? Nope, this is not standard, and even with the regular setup having the subs below the stage, something WAS wrong here. Don't get me wrong, it was truely epic, but... next year, please let me play vinyl again, too. :>

Think I am exaggerating? Think again, and figure out if you'd put ANYTHING fragile there, like a laptop with a mechanical harddrive.... or a $5000 camera.

Guys, this is NOT normal, this is destructive.

Woah :)


--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 20.10.2015, 05:58:24 ---
--- Quote from: Cheetah on 01.09.2015, 17:40:06 ---
--- Quote ---- One final thing: the bass... whoever decided it was a good idea to have the bass speakers under the stage... that vinyl players were going to be sitting on... well... heh... no

--- End quote ---

I'm replying because I talked to Garra while it was happening :) Placing the subwoofers in front of the stage or partly under the stage is pretty standard, and there is not really a different viable position for subwoofers. However, nobody really knew that turntables were going to be used.

--- End quote ---

I said I was going to do so. However, the vibrations were THAT bad during my set.... worse than anything I had seen before. So bad I was happy I didn't bother even bringing any lights to the dance. Vibrations so bad that they threaten to tilt over bottles of beer? Nope, this is not standard, and even with the regular setup having the subs below the stage, something WAS wrong here. Don't get me wrong, it was truely epic, but... next year, please let me play vinyl again, too. :>

Think I am exaggerating? Think again, and figure out if you'd put ANYTHING fragile there, like a laptop with a mechanical harddrive.... or a $5000 camera.

Guys, this is NOT normal, this is destructive.

--- End quote ---

What BigBlueFox says I can confirm 100%.

As for my part, so I have to rely on the judgment of the locally available, man on the main console. I had indeed first on the local customs adjust, since I was a volunteer. Otherwise I would not have gone with my turntable on the stage, but would put me somewhere next to it towards. But it was too late as we could as yet do something, so we have, as best he could, thus arranged. The Reloop Turntable of Matt, but could be, not at all used for the bass, and the feet of my Technics have though about 95% of the vibrations of the stage floor (we had a free foot massage) can swallow, but had to when Vinylis off were, the bass are taken back a little.

But I think that you can only learn from your mistakes, and next time it will work better.

Was BigBlueFox sagt kann ich zu 100% bestätigen.  

Was meinen Teil betrifft, so habe ich mich auf das Urteilsvermögen des vor Ort vorhandenen, Menschen am Hauptmischpult, verlassen. Ich musste mich ja auch erstmal auf die gepflogenheiten vor Ort einstellen, da ich ja Volunteer war. Sonst wäre ich, mit meinem Turntable nicht auf die Bühne gegangen, sondern hätte mich irgendwo daneben hin gestellt.  Aber es war zu spät als das wir da noch was machen konnten, also haben wir uns, so gut es ging, damit arrangiert.  Der Reloop-Turntable von Matt, konnte aber wegen des Basses, garnicht benutzt werden, und die Füße meines Technics haben zwar zu 95% die Vibrationen des Bühnenbodens (wir hatten eine gratis Fuss-Massage) schlucken können, aber dennoch musste, wenn Vinylis dran waren, der Bass etwas zurück genommen werden.

Aber ich denke das man aus Fehlern nur lernen kann, und nächstes Mal klappt es besser.

Tja, manchmal weiß man es hinterher. Die Subwoofer hatten wir auch letztes Jahr schon unter der Bühne - da hat es keine Probleme verursacht. Man kann vieles im Voraus berechnen, aber nicht was wo welche Resonanzen verursacht. Sollte das Bühnensetup nächstes Jahr ähnlich ausfallen werden wir das Problem im Hinterkopf behalten und mit Michi drüber reden was man da vielleicht machen kann.

The dance was really much fun to me, I am happy so many DJs volunteered and we got a good show running. Also I was happy with garra for lowering the bass every time he recognizes vinyl happening :3
The subwoofer was really crazy ( but sounded great nontheless :3 ). I hope we can get this event running again next year, too - its perfectly theme fitting :3
For the turntables, we discussed freefloat turntable stablisizers like . These I guess would work great, just give some odd feeling for the DJs - still better than jumping needles I think :3

Special and many thanks to everyone participating and making this event such a blast and thanks for bringing all the props, too :3


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