I don't want to rant at anyone from the Eurofurence Team, but this years "improved" Hotel booking is a total disaster.
In Germany, many people simply don't want and therefore not own a credit card.
And what was the problem with the old system ?
After spamming the F5 on registering for the event (unchanged, lol) you could relax and write an email to book a room. Yes, it took them 1 or 2 days to confirm a free room for you, but If you wrote them an email after registering for the event and not days after, you could pretty much be sure to get a room and didn't have to worry.
Those people complaining who were too late
simply were too late, where is the excuse ? There is a German saying:
"If the hound didn't take a dump, he would have caught the rabbit"
simple as that.
Now, around 2000 People will bomb another website on the 16th. Now some people can't book, because they don't own a credit card and other are at I dunno.. places like AT WORK???
So now EVERYONE has to pray to have a good internet connection that day and finish the booking as fast as possible to get a room.
I now ordered a credit card, but I doubt that I will receive it till Monday. So this year no Eurofurence for me 90%.

And I don't have any friends who own one and my parents neither. Staying at another hotel and constantly traveling back and forward is a no-go for me.
I seriously think something could have been worked out by your team and the Hotel rather than just saying "well, sucks to be you guys!". I know you don't mean it that way, but this is how it ends up on our end.
Just my dissapointed 2 cents,