Eurofurence Information > Feedback

2017 Hotel booking error log

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--- Quote from: NightHawk on 16.01.2017, 14:31:18 ---I wasted 5 hours of my life booking a hotel room.

--- End quote ---

Did you at least get one? ^^ I wasted 5:30 hours on nothing but frustration.

Yes, I got a room right before they closed the ibooking site for good.

i have been trying since 9am and kept getting errors ,it kept sending me in cirkels ,and if i wanted to change the language it no longer remembered i was sent bye Eurofurence ,i finaly got a room from the 16 till the 20th , but we wanted to 14 till the 21ths i hope that we can still get down days.

So a friend gave me this link to book with the Grouppromo code EUROF130817_001
but it seems that all rooms are full

Just a point of order for everyone: This is called the FEEDBACK section of the forum, not the running commentary section. Let's try to keep any comments or criticism constructive.

With that in mind, does anyone here have any suggestions as to how to avoid this next year? (Baring in mind the staff have already given the reasons for why the old system was unworkable.)


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