Eurofurence Information > Feedback

2017 Hotel booking error log

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EF fursuit londge is way way way nicer then the one at US con's :)


--- Quote from: Jorinda on 17.01.2017, 14:56:58 ---
--- Quote from: Sam T. Housecat on 17.01.2017, 12:17:50 ---- Secondly the fursuiters. It's unpractical for them to rent a hotel at a number of kilometres distance, because they have to carry a lot of heavy stuff.

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I bet my fursuits are still smaller than what some artists bring for the Artist Alley.
Us fursuiters already get a lot of support with the Fursuit Lounge. There is no need to carry the suit back and forth daily.

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Myself, also being a fursuiter, see an issue with the needing to define what counts as a Fursuit. Is it for only full suits, partial? Can someone claim to be a suiter if they wear a none full furry cosplay gear (which can be heavier) but that has ears and a tail (Anime style) Does that count?

As much as it would be nice to get an edge for being a suiter, there is too many ways people can get around just the definition of it.

On a possible solution note;

Being employed in the hotel business. I know many large groups booking conventions sometimes do all the room booking for the guests.
In EF's case, they would have a section in their registration to prebook the hotel at the same time. This would require the attendee to include all the names of their roommates and any special requests. EF Staff (Which would be it's own small crew) would verify and cross reference the registration information and build the room blocking. If there are any errors or inconsistencies their hotel bookings would be delayed until the crew can get the correct information from the attendees. Meanwhile the registrations whose information that matched get first slots and hotel rooms booked first.

This would give EF way more control, for example;
- Blocking party floors
- Fursuiter requirements like being roomed closer to larger elevators and fursuit lounge
- Den Vender needs; like being closer to den or near the closest elevator to the den.
- Have an option to accept "Random roommate selection", which helps fill in those little gaps and lets people have new friends.
- Sponsorship levels, may bump you to the head of the line?
- Etc.

At the end, the hotel would take that information and do a final blocking it to the best of their abilities in the zones described by the EF team.

Overall this puts all the accountability on the Furs who are registering to make plans with friends for sharing rooms and to have all thier information correct and accurate.
It reduces the "Mad rush" to book multiple rooms and over booking.
It lets the Con section off areas of the hotel to be more convenient for those attending.
The payment method needed to secure the room can be the one used to pay for your con passes.
And also allows the hotel an easier time to manage everything.

That's my thoughts from over here in Canada.

Quote from : Jorinda
I bet my fursuits are still smaller than what some artists bring for the Artist Alley.
Us fursuiters already get a lot of support with the Fursuit Lounge. There is no need to carry the suit back and forth daily.

I agree with that Jorinda:-)

We are also 3 Fursuiter and booked us a room in the IBIS-Hotel.
The Suits leave us in the Suiterlounge not carry back and forth.  :)


--- Quote from: Shakaar on 17.01.2017, 16:07:19 ---Being employed in the hotel business. I know many large groups booking conventions sometimes do all the room booking for the guests.

--- End quote ---
From what I read, that's exactly what the EF staff doesn't want / can't do anymore.
This is a lot of work and responsibility, and we can't expect them to do all of that for us.
It also includes a not-so-insignificant financial risk for the people involved.


--- Quote from: FluffyDog on 17.01.2017, 17:08:07 ---Quote from : Jorinda
I bet my fursuits are still smaller than what some artists bring for the Artist Alley.

--- End quote ---
And I sometimes have trouble walking while carrying nothing due to medical issues. So... A dealers den artist, a fursuiter, and someone with medical problems all walk into hotel reception. There's one room left. Who gets it? This is the kind of question without an answer that most hotels would not want to get involved in, and which EF almost certainly doesn't want to get involved with.

Though... Come to think of it.... There might be something that some of us could do to alleviate this situation in the future...

Attention please! Attention please!
That huge building project to the south of the hotel is due to become a sunken highway at some point in the near future. And until they finish that, the Estrel can't start building their tower, and we can't get our extra 700 hotel rooms and bigger dealers den. Therefore could any German nationals annoyed with the hotel-room situation please consider writing to your MP (or equivalent) and/or the German Highways Agency (however that translates) and politely ask them to "Get on with it!"  ::)


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