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2017 Hotel booking error log

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--- Quote from: Bigwig on 17.01.2017, 03:46:19 ---Unfortunately there is little motivation to do something. Neither the hotel nor EuroFurence has a benefit for optimizing anything.
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Well, Eurofurence is simply leaving the room admin to the Estrel because EF doesn't have the capacity to do it any more, and the Estrel used iHotelier to have a professional handle the rush.
Given that the Estrel is paying iHotelier for their service, you may assume that the provider will get an earful after completely mishandling/underestimating the issue. The Estrel has a reputation to uphold, so there is motivation galore. (Will iHotelier be up to the task next year? I sure hope so.)

Sadly, there is still luck needed to get a room in this hotel; even the new tower (once built) will not suffice forever, there are more potential attendees than space, unless we move to a pure conference center and leave booking hotel rooms completely to the attendees (losing the socializing opportunities of a single conference/room site, and most likely increase room prices a lot).

Sam T. Housecat:
More constructive critique:

Issue reservations in batches that open every hour or even at different days, so that only a limited amount of people will access the reservation site at one moment:

- First people with special conditions, like wheelchairs, bad eyesight or other conditions that require them to be close to the con site or have a special room.
- Secondly the fursuiters. It's unpractical for them to rent a hotel at a number of kilometres distance, because they have to carry a lot of heavy stuff.
- Third batch: regular guests. I agree with the request to book for 2 or 3 guests per room.

Maybe more batches can be made; I would recommend having an open, democratic discussion about this so it's not just a 'management decision'. With due respect for the management; look at it from a positive angle: if people have a say in it and there is some consensus, the people will find the decision reasonable and will support it better.

So in order to get a hotel room I need to check the box that I'm a fursuiter? Cunning. 8)

There is no way to check if someone is a fursuiter, I can claim to be one but transporting it caused trouble, or it's send back to the maker for last minute adjustments and I'm hoping to get it back during the con. And other excuses.

Also a batch system would not work, because what's stopping me from giving the batch code to my friend who is in the end of the queue?

This is my view on this, I am not speaking for EuroFurence.

Doing "few batches" was more or less the system used last year, during EF Reg night, each membership was manually processed and people got their link to book the room during the night and the day after : no problem with the website/booking system (and it was exactly the same server/website).

It helped spread the load on the system during a whole day.


--- Quote from: Sam T. Housecat on 17.01.2017, 12:17:50 ---- Secondly the fursuiters. It's unpractical for them to rent a hotel at a number of kilometres distance, because they have to carry a lot of heavy stuff.

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I bet my fursuits are still smaller than what some artists bring for the Artist Alley.
Us fursuiters already get a lot of support with the Fursuit Lounge. There is no need to carry the suit back and forth daily.


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