The problem is the delay at your email provider. You send it out, but it may take half an hour to be recieved by the hotel.
Maybe shows that the "send an email" system wasn't the best way to do it. I have been struggling to understand how people with numbers less than 1000 can be on the waiting list, people with 1200 numbers got a room, and some people with 1300 numbers) didn't get on the waiting list at all, but some higher are on the waiting list.
One way that might help is people only get the hotel booking link after their con fee is payed? Stops people getting a room "just in case" and means at least people are more likely to attend the con. Is there actually a system where if people don't pay their con fee on time their room booking gets cancelled? Feels fair for those of us who's paid their con fee and are still waiting for a room.
I just feel frustrated at this situation, not knowing if I even have a room or not (or how long I might have to wait to find out)- my planned roommate is the same situation, not even sure if he should book his flights or not- he's not going to hang on waiting forever (like me, he's unlikely to come if he has to stay in an overflow).