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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: your first EF????  (Read 114365 times)

FWO heltash

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your first EF????
« on: 19.09.2006, 13:46:18 »

if i can make it to eurofurence next year, it would be my very first con iv been too.

so how did all you feel when you went to your first eurofurence, and how did people react to you??????
all the best
Heltash (head of the FWO)


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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #1 on: 19.09.2006, 14:47:53 »

I felt really nervous at my first EF (EF 5) - I didn't know anyone, I'd never been to a con before, and outside of FurryMUCK, I hadn't really had any contact with other furs, either. But it was still fun, and I think these days, a "first con" is going to be much less intimidating, too - the whole con has become much more professional, and there's many more people there, too, so I'd assume it'll feel less "cliquish" nowadays. :)

Locu Deer

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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #2 on: 19.09.2006, 16:04:25 »

My first EF was EF9, my first con at all was MMC6 in Germany...

And i was very nervous at that time... i did know some furs from chat, but i have never seen them before in RL.
Greets from Locu the Doe ^^


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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #3 on: 19.09.2006, 18:11:36 »

So far, I've made EF4, EF7, EF8, EF10, EF11 and EF12.

Then there were MMC 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Anthrocon 2003, 04, 05, 06 and Further Confusion 2003, 04, 05, 06.

Hey, the next con I attend will be my 20th Convention-Anniversary! :D
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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #4 on: 19.09.2006, 19:20:43 »

My first Eurofurence was EFX.

I really liked the very relaxing athmosphere, where artists just sat together and drew. I have been returning ever since.

Since I had a few contacts and had ventured to other conventions before (Anthrocon 2003 and Treecon01 for example) a few people were eager to meet me.

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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #5 on: 19.09.2006, 22:19:38 »

Well, my first EF was Eurofurence 4. What did I expect? Not much, actually. I feared that I'd meet a lot of strangers I don't share any interest with, or that it would be yet another boring computer geek meeting. Boy, was I wrong. I met some crazy, creative, bright and lovely people there, people I call friends today.

Much has changed ever since, as the European furry fandom grew also Eurofurence grew bigger. What once was a small furmeet (about 90 guests at EF4) now draws a crowd of more than 400 attendees. I've attended every single EF since then, Mephit Mini Con (another furry convention in Germany) since its second year, Further Confusion for the last two years and countless furry meetings and parties. But what remained the same all these years is the relaxed atmosphere and those crazy, creative, bright and lovely people.
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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #6 on: 20.09.2006, 01:32:44 »

My first EF was EF7, held at the Jugendherberge Freusburg in Kirchen, Germany, back in 2001 (and the venue for Mephit Mini Con 9 [2006] and 10 [2007], and also FilkCONtinental since 2000).

Being my first con, I wasn't really sure what to expect, though I was somewhat distracted with ensuring our party got there in one piece, as I was effectively "leader".

Oddly enough, we had occasion to pop in to the Travel Centre at either Brussels or Cologne (I can't remember which) and the member of staff we spoke to wasn't from Germany at all, but from Newhaven in East Sussex!

The con itself was a blast, though too short, and you'll find the group photo here.

Since then, I've been to every Eurofurence, except EF9, and to Anthrocon 2003.


SouthPaw, southie (at) southie (dot) me (dot) uk


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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #7 on: 20.09.2006, 13:13:12 »

im gunna be dreading my first EF, i know you guys are all very freindly but im still going to be as shy as anything.

and im still freting over my perhapsal performance
You have the F.I.A, me and heltash have the F.W.O (The Furry World Order)


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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #8 on: 20.09.2006, 15:04:21 »

My first EF (it was EFXI) was a shock  ;D
I had never heard about Furries before and what it was all about. I had thought those might only be some harmless artists and freaks, but they are REALLY freaks! Though most of them quite nice freaks  ;)
And as you might ask - why the hell does someone who has no idea about furries attend to Eurofurence: only because of 2005-GoH Heather Alexander.

Your question: How did people react to you?
I realized that people naturally don't react at all. You are there, one of 400-500 people. Most of them have their group of friends to spend their time with. If you want people to react to you, you have to behave extraordinarily. Either that or be an artist or fursuiter or an outgoing person (or meet an outgoing person).

But I don't think you will regret to attend, Knightmare. You might find yourself overwhelmed at first but it will be worth everything. Trust me!

FWO heltash

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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #9 on: 20.09.2006, 16:58:09 »

the more i read this the more i want to attend,like ever since i found furry (last september, 1 year ago) i have found that ever furry iv e-mail or talked to has been very freindly and helpfull i.e i once e-mailed tani and got a reply from cheetah saying she had forwarded my questions.

so im really looking forward to attending, mostly so i can perform in the fursuit show (im really excited about performing but il be s..ting myslef before hand)

thanks for replying
FWO heltash


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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #10 on: 20.09.2006, 17:07:56 »

same thing like shaevairc. but it was fun to see how freaky some of you guys are. we have friends that are freaks too, but not like that. and I hope we will see you next year again! we are no real "furries" but we like it to be with them ;)


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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #11 on: 21.09.2006, 09:04:12 »

My first furcon was EF11.
It was also my first contact with the furry world, and also the first time i wore a fursuit (ZigZag).

A lot of "first times", really:)

But it all went smoothly.
I already knew one furry guy (Aoikitsune), so he introduced me to his friends and.. there ya go, in less time than it takes to prononce "anthropomorphic", i was at ease...

I was so pleased with the general mood and kindness of people thare that i was back this year.. and that i intend to be next year too:)

Don't worry, it'll all come out fine :)

"He's nice your uh ... uh.. squirrel?" said a guy talking about my ... ferret !


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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #12 on: 14.10.2006, 03:11:21 »

My first Eurofurence was last year (EF11).  I had been to other fur cons so I had some idea of what to expect.  It helped that I dragged a friend of mine along so I wasn't traveling alone.  (Yea for frequent flyer files!).  When I got there, I found everyone to be very friendly and fun.  This year, I found myself adopted by a group of UK furs and that was fun.  I need to start training for next year, though, because those guys can drink!   ;D


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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #13 on: 15.10.2006, 17:10:47 »

EF12 was my first con. It certainly was an experience! I did not really find anything negative at all - I loved the fact that there wasn't just one thread of programming. If you didn't want to go to the "main" event, there were at least two other things you could do (during the day anyway). If you wanted to lounge around in your room all day, there wasn't anything stopping you! What I had expected was a swarm of furs moving from one big event to the next big event, en masse! I'm glad it wasn't like that at all!

About people's reactions: Everyone recognises everyone else is a fur there too. Although I am not omnipresent I don't think I found any active hostility between anyone. But in general, people stick to their groups of friends, but if you're at a SIG for instance, people present at the SIG tend to get on well with one another. Although my German was rather poor, I had a good time in the Ramen Lounge, listening more than chatting to various German-speaking furs!

I must say what helped me a lot was that I knew some furs before I even arrived. In fact, a large number of furs went from the UK so although we were still outnumbered by about ten to one, it's still comforting to know that there'll be someone around anyway that you know.
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Re: your first EF????
« Reply #14 on: 25.10.2006, 23:57:23 »

Well EF13 Will prolly be the first con i go to! Ive never been to a Fur con Before, and, ive not met any furs in RL, (But thats changing this weekend ^.-) I'm gonna be nervous as hell ^^; Wich, means i'll prolly be extra exited aswell so ^^ Win Win!
What should i put here? Hmm, i really dont know O.o
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