Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback from EF17

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If there's not already a thread about Bitter Lake, you can start your own. It's not something you need special privileges for :)

As for the Fursuit Gameshow, I believe the team is in search for new and challenging games every year which can actually be used. I'm sure they'd love to hear your suggestions.


OK time for some feedback  ;)

First the Maritim a wonderfull hotel with really friendly personal the prices where normal and only some where changed (breakfast was cheaper than last year) neverless one jump over the street and it was still cheaper and better ^^
Second the people: This year I got the feeling that all where more relaxed than last year Really good
Sadly I canĀ“t say more about the sigs because I was the whole time in the Artshow which in my eyes improved a lot since last year
PPS : This was my second time watching the life event and I enjoyed it a lot:it was differrent than last year where the whole "OHH no war is comming and death and all" storyline was more a epic ending for the old cast and with this year a new beginning was formed (It was more on the comedy side than last year)

Last I like to thank all Staffmembers and volunteers for their great work and hope to see all next year again
*hugs to all*

Just thought to leave my 2 cents here.

Overall a lot of the problems from last year had been ironed out! Things went very well and there was a huge improvement with stuff like the Dealer's Den(s) and Art Show payout. The staff at the hotel seemed to be more comfortable with people, events happened in better time and I had no issues with the lifts this year. Thumbs up!

The expensive drinks from last year remained, however the cocktail bar right next door to the hotel was a worthy alternative - cocktails at 3 euros in happy hour and 5.50ish normally - and MUCH better quality drinks than the hotel was serving. It's sad that it means the hotel is emptier but it was just too good to overlook!

My only real issue was with the water in my room, the shower would switch from normal to ONLY blazing hot water, resulting in a couple of nasty scalds. I should indeed have reported this to the hotel but we were extremely busy with the dealer's den and it just wasn't at the forefront of my mind at the time.

The hotel itself is absolutely lovely and a joy to stay in. Extremely clean, beautifully furnished, great cleaning staff, just wonderful. The location is brilliant (I got to fully appreciate the convinience this year - last year I had an injury which meant that a walk to the mall was too far for me >_>) and the nearby restaurants are excellent.

Overall an extremely positive con! Thank you guys!

Crossposted from the German language thread:


I also would like to you give you all a short feedback:

This years convention even topped EF16, which has been great already! This might be caused by the fact that I got to know a lot of new and awesome people since I moved to NRW last October. Last year I only knew about 10 people at EF, this year I can't even count how many I recognized and how many actually recognized me (even though I couldn't recall all of the people who told me I know them :D ).
But there's also some things in the convention itself that improved after last year:

+ Dance Competition. This is THE event that was missing at Eurofurence. It was a very entertaining show, even though the judges have made questionable decisions and ratings. Next year I'll most likely be dancing there as well ;)
+ Staircase. Finally!! People could actually use the stairs not only to get upstairs, but also downstairs. Huge improvement to last year. If you were lucky and could catch a room in the first two floors, you didn't have to wait an eternity for that elevators to finally stop at your floor.
+ Piano Bar. Awesome idea to have DJs in the bar. There hasn't been one single night you didn't have the opportunity to dance your furry butt off. Party every night, that was certainly awesome. I'll be DJing there next year as well - has been great fun.
+ The disco ball in the lobby. Didn't work out at all last year, this year it sent chills down my spine - It flooded the lobby with dancing stars. This created a wonderful atmosphere.

In the German feedback thread I also asked what happened to that Eurofurence flags. Well, apparently they managed to somehow disapper in a mysterious incident where alien lifeforms have been involved.
(This replication of the original statements isn't necessarily accurate)

To put it all in a nutshell: Great great great convention! Thanks to the whole staff, the Security, the Con Ops and everybody who has been working in the background or foreground to make EF17 as awesome as it was!


I just got reminded of something, clearly nothing terribly important otherwise I'd have mentioned it in my first post.

I loved visiting the pool and saunas in the hotel, having been dragged into them by a good friend (after running to kik to get some swim shorts!).
The pool area really REALLY needs more lockers, EF can't help that, just an observation!.

Now, I do kinda like inflatables, they can be cute, but the ones in the pool most of the time were HUGE, it's not a terribly big pool and at one point we had a great big tomcat jet, must've been at least 6ft from point to end and nearly the same across at it's widest point, a massive tiger and a massive dog, and some folks seemed insistent on putting more and more into the pool when most people would like just to have a swim about and relax, I'm not asking for 'No Inflatables' far from it, I just wish that some folks saw some common sense and not overload the pool with them, bobbing about in the pool and hearing a air pump start up to see another massive inflatable about to be thrown in when the pool already has a sizable number of them got kinda annoying.
At the time I just shrugged and enjoyed the time with my friends but in future please guys think of others!

Also, speaking of 'thinking of others', I do not know what standards continentally are expected in that sort of area, yeah, if you want to go nude into the sauna, you do so, its fine, it's all sectioned off anyway, but if you are gonna go back out to poolside, let me say this on behalf of everyone else in the pool, PUT YOUR SWIMWEAR ON!.
Seriously, was VERY uncomfortable for alot of people seeing people 'hang free' out of that little area, is this normal? I don't know, but please, for decency, when heading out of the sauna area please cover up >.<


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