Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback from EF17

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A couple of points about schedualling: It seemed to be a bit all over the place this year.

In the past members of EF eV have asked me not to submit panel ideas until they ask for them. This year they asked for them about two weeks before the convention book was due to be finalised for printing. This is a very short gap and left little room to ask questions or resolve issues.

I know that some of the room rearrangements were very necessacery this year. I was involved and actually suggested the relocation of Real Furrys One to Bonn due to undesirable overcrowding. But the others were at very short notice, and the notice board advertising them was not in a very prominant place. I tended to walk past the elevators and focus mostly on the huge lobby full of furies, not a patch of glass to my left. Could it be put up somewhere more prominant next year? Possibly several places?

Oh yes, and one other thing...
While there was absolutely nothing wrong with based the convention around Kung Fu this year, in hindsight, dinosaurs would have been an awesome theme too. ;D

Urgh, no thanks. I loved the theme. Hope next year will be SciFi. Or actually, 2013 should be SciFi, because by then my suit will be done for sure. :) Nothing would suck as much as being at the stone age themed EF with a space age themed suit. *g*


--- Quote from: BluePaw on 25.08.2011, 09:58:34 ---! the DB were dangerously high even with ear protection and i'm deffinitly still feeling it in my ears even 1 week afterwards...

--- End quote ---

Hm i wasnt feeling that it is to loud, it was more a normal level for party for me


--- Quote from: Huskyboy on 25.08.2011, 18:23:29 ---
--- Quote from: BluePaw on 25.08.2011, 09:58:34 ---! the DB were dangerously high even with ear protection and i'm deffinitly still feeling it in my ears even 1 week afterwards...

--- End quote ---

Hm i wasnt feeling that it is to loud, it was more a normal level for party for me

--- End quote ---

That's an old discussion, I wore my 25db Elacin ER filters and some of the bass was still painful just through bone resonance.

It's an entirely subjective thing, and it varies from person to person. There are also many among you who'd have liked it considerably louder even than it was.

Since the split between preferring quieter/okay/louder is about 30/30/30, that's why I provided basic hearing protection at the Protect Your Ears table outside the dance area for anyone who wanted it. Also, since the dance area is so large, you can always move to a location where the loudness isn't as intense.

Next year I'll have the Protect Your Ears thingy set up for all the dances, just in case, maybe with stronger filters even (seeing how most people took the orange earplugs, which attenuate the sound the strongest)

Also, if you have sensitive ears, by all means protect them with hearing protection that's either customized for you, or works well. You can't expect too much from standard one-size-fits-all foam bolts. Those are better than paper tissues, but no match for high quality, multi-use hearing protection that can cost from 5 Euros to 200 Euros a pair.

Here it is my feedback ! Don't be afraid EF staff !  ;D

Hotel : a very very good surprise ! I was scared that the Ringberg can't be replaced but the Maritim hotel and his staff are really good ! Was a pleasure to give nice tips everyday to the maids & staff ! Never had a too long wait at fact, it was worst at the Ringberg ! Lot of places to seat, chat & having fun with furry friends as a big family during EF. I was expecting a sad business hotel and in fact, it's a great place for EF ! Lot of places around the hotel to do shopping or to eat and the train station is really really close. Congrats to Nightfox and all ppl involved who made it possible !

The piano bar : one of my favorite places to hang with friends or to dance ! I loved all the dances there !

The main lobby : simply gorgeous ! If a church would be build for furry fans it'd look this ! The atmosphere there was fantastic, especially at night.

Swimming pool : very easy access ! Not a lot of lockers, but you can change yourself in your room and go there directly.

SIGs : awesome panels with an awesome GoH. EF makes possible one of a very old child dream. Big big thanks ! I would love to see more puppettry sigs every year, focusing on specific aspects of that art. I would love to help into these SIGs too, including full body costumes SIGs.

PPS : see my full feedback on the dedicated thread but I have the feeling I won't attend to the PPS anymore...

EF staff : very effective as always ! It's fascinating to see these guys/gals working. Special thanks to Pinky & White Dragon for their work !

Bitter Lake : I'll post a full feedback if a dedicated thread is opened.

Main stage : some of the chinese vertical decoration blocked view of the screens/stage under some specific angles. At the Big Blue Dance, with a good ear protection + fursuit head, the sound was still painful. O_o I didn't expect that !

Fursuit gameshow : I would love to see more physical fursuit games and less puzzles or dexterity games. Maybe it's impossible because of the limited depth of the stage (because of the PPS setup) ? Could we have the main stage configuration like Enter the Arena for the fursuit gameshow ?

Fursuit lounge : definitely the best one I ever used and for the first time I could use a drying rack for my fursuit head or paws. Lot of space & fans... Congrats to the fursuit team !

What could I say else ? I really enjoyed the convention and I definitely want to come back next year. ^^


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