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Feedback from EF17

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at first i have one thing

Why is the Groupfotoshot on the Last Day so early in the morning, mostly all people looked like they was up for 6 Days, and some not only looked like this...  :P And much was still sleeping.. woulnd it be better to make it on the second day, instead of the last?

Just want to say.

Best guest of honour ever! :) :) :) :) :) :)

Just brilliant, really enjoyed his panels, learnt a lot, and such a lovely guy! :)

Hi everybody,

thank you for the EF17. Wholeheartedly. That's it.

Just one question to the staff: are you afraid? of the future I mean? Is there a chart, which puts attendance/ year into a visible line? Does it point to the sky? For how long you & the Maritim will be able to herd the hoards? Just kidding :-) You can't keep me with a club from coming back next year, that's for sure, together with more than 1000 other people....

I wish you sweet dreams...


Since I didn't found an appropriate moment during the closing ceremonies to grab the mic, I'll do it on this stage.

I want to thank all my stage team for the incredible hard work they did before, during and after the convention days.
For us from the stage department the con starts Monday with loading and driving to Magdeburg and ends Monday the week after with rolling home and unloading. That's what we refer to as  "damn early arrival and f***ing late departure".
We are the ones who have to be in on every rehearsal, be it early or late and even working extra hours way into the night when something needs to be fixed or reset.

This is my team and these guys Rock!

Credits go to: (in non specific order):

* Darkwing: helping managing the team, for baring with my lighting concepts for the PPS and still smiling when I'm in my "I'm eating little children" mood.
* Djem: for the most awesome dancelighting ever! Bringing lots of his own equipment and for fixing all the lighting that broke during the convention.
* Dhary: for his rigging work throughout the con site, setting up the backdrop, organizing additional equipment and designing the lighting in the Lobby.
* Kamikaze: helping me with audio and solving various microphone issues.
* Furball: Helping with loading, and taking over audio or lighting when personal was short.
* Mafundi: Helping me out with more UV and Strobe power for the PawPetShow and also for lightboard work during the dances.
* King Taibu: For saving my ass on the FSGS and preparing all that nice "ingame music"
* Tillikum & Reeve: Spending a day with me at the storage moving and packing everything
* Reesa & Zefiro: hearding all the backstage chaos.
* Ayun: Head of the loading crew on the logistic-days
* Ioron: Loading Crew
* YayYay: Assistance to Mr Dhary  :D
* Tsanawo: Assistant to Mr Darkwing  :D
And because some of you asked: The disco ball in the lobby was created by a group of people:

* Jaryic & Nightfox: Idear - inspired by the Setup of "Nature One 2009"
* Dhary: static calculations and rigging
* Michael Barowski (rental company): technical conception and equipment
* Furball: Light Programming

oi, my third con! and it deffinitly took it all to whole new levels. and for my part this year was so fun it made last year look like a booring busines meeting.
it was a lot more social this year, and there was more colors on the actual hotel walls. AND there were trash cans put out everywere *thumbs up!*.

one complaint tho was mainly at the first dance in the main hall! the DB were dangerously high even with ear protection and i'm deffinitly still feeling it in my ears even 1 week afterwards... this is quite serious, and you might want to put up some of those electronic sensors that flashes different colors or shows the actual DB-levels. both for the sake of the people in there, and for the DJ.
dancefloor should have a bit more danceable to music, not complaining about the style, just that there seemed to be way to many pauses in the music.

as for the alcohol and food prices, Kauf Land is allways nearby, bread and whatever to have on it, and bottles of alcohol for the price of 1 drink :P and as said, room parties^^

otherwise as said, it was the most fun i've ever had. and if i can, i will most deffinitly go next year again!^^

allso, the dance competition and the kung fur hustle was absolutly wonderful! well planned and had the same feeling as any real sort of TV-show^^


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