Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback from EF17

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As Cheetah already said, the hotel can not do a lot about the prices.
They already have two special cocktails for 7,50 and the beer and coffee prices are lower for us.

Here is the problem, if they lower the cocktail prices for us their other costumers will find out somehow, then they want that too.
And the prices are ok for a four star hotel in a bigger city in germany.

Just have a drink or two in your room or in one of the other bars around and then come back to the piano bar to meet other friends and have maybe one nice cocktail, that way its not getting too expensive.

If you enjoy a good drink and its not just about getting drunk the piano bar has a very very good selection on spirits and the cocktails are made really well and with good high class ingredients.

Well, what can I say...I had a blast :) EF17 was a very sweet revival after like 10 years of absence from such a big event. Since my last EF (8), things really have changed a lot, most notably the sheer mass of people now attending the con. Also the location of a Maritim Hotel can't be compared anymore to the youth hostels of the past ;) I really like what EF has become, so thanks to all the people who made this possible. I can't imagine the amount of work that goes into a project like this, so let me just say: my deepest respect to the staff who managed to pull this off without getting a nervous breakdown :D

I could name some minor inconveniences now but to be honest, I was having so much fun partying and meeting new people and old friends, that all the little things that bugged me kinda fade into the void. And if the intensity of my current PCD is any indication, I'd say this was the most awesome EF ever :)
Really gonna miss you guys and hopefully seeing you at EF 18 again!

EF seems so far away and yet not over... strange feeling at all.

I wanted to write some feedback so badly but I don't know what I should write about.
I didn't see one of the shows (we were a tiny little late for Bitter Lake what botherd me a lot). Pawpet show works best when I'm not in the audience (something I don't explain again. XD ). And the dance contest I could't see cause I was busy being so f***ing nervous while waiting in the suiters lounge trying to cool down a little... x)

Erm yah. I didn't even had the time to walk through the artshow seeing the art. I just rushed through once.

Things I can talk about was Dealers Den. Yap. It became my little baby. x)
I think it was much comfier and much more relaxed than last year. The two rooms were big step in the right direction. I got some ideas to improve the whole concept for next year.
The security mad a great job by letting the right amount of people in. There weren't any stress at the doors and everything went smooth and peaceful.

The security made an awesome job in general! I love you guys, but you know that!

I know how hard all the people work before con even started and how much the whole crew do to get everything in the right flow. And it gets better and better with every year. A big applause and a huge thank you to all the guys making this event happen. Without you it wouldn't have been that great.

The hotel staff was nice and friendly and the cleaning ladies did a great job. The hotel was way more comfee and inviting than last year and the whole atmosphere was all in all very relaxing.


 my feedback on the bar, was that they were amazing.

The prices may have been high but we came in expecting that, its the same if you go to London(UK people will know about cost of cocktails at meets) its as others said a 4 star hotel. 

 If you wanted to save some money you could go to the supermarket over the road and pick up lots of things, have a few drinks in your room.with friends and then come down to the bar?  The staff despite being run off their feet constantly were always happy and always friendly, I didnt mind waiting for my drinks as you could clearly see they were busy, and often they gave us a bowl of crisps to eat in the mean time, and sometimes reduced the price of our drinks without us asking.  We normally tipped them as they did a good job, and Codewolf did a whip round for them as a thankyou.

I was happy with everything, I think considering how busy the hotel was they did a fantastic job and put up with alot of stuff so well done to them:)

I bow my head to all the staff that made EF 17 possible. Thank you for your outstanding commitment! I enjoyed every minute, and will surely come back next year. :)

Only one small point of criticism: Not beeing able to get on some events after they started, bothered me a bit. Saying that, what I disliked about it is that in the previous years, you could enter late. I did not know that you changed that fact this year. Those kind of changes should be announced  :)   


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