Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback from EF17

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--- Quote from: Luxen on 24.08.2011, 15:41:03 ---
--- Quote from: Cheetah on 24.08.2011, 13:30:28 ---The only thing I can recommend is voting with your feet, and either get drunk at roomparties and stick to the affordable drinks in the bar (the beer prices are pretty normal for a bar, for example), or maybe try the cocktail bar directly next door. I've heard they're really good.

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I can't really agree to that piece of advice.

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So what would you suggest instead?


--- Quote from: Faolin on 24.08.2011, 16:32:01 ---I'm just being naive and thought they would maybe make some more advances for us attendees, due to the fact that they are making the biggest turnovers in I guess a whole year. ;)

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They are already making a lot of advances, they're just apparently very stubborn about their pricing :) Chances are good, by the way, that the prices are set by corporate headquarters for the entire chain, and that they can't change it, even if they want to. I don't really know the exact reasoning, and they're not going to tell me. Sorry.


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 24.08.2011, 16:41:34 ---
--- Quote from: Faolin on 24.08.2011, 16:32:01 ---I'm just being naive and thought they would maybe make some more advances for us attendees, due to the fact that they are making the biggest turnovers in I guess a whole year. ;)

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They are already making a lot of advances, they're just apparently very stubborn about their pricing :) Chances are good, by the way, that the prices are set by corporate headquarters for the entire chain, and that they can't change it, even if they want to. I don't really know the exact reasoning, and they're not going to tell me. Sorry.

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My opinion changed since last year.
This is a 4 star hotel, normally people in 3 part suit, that listen to a quality entertainer behind a piano and drinking 70 euro per bottle whiskey come here. Even when a guy with a more flashy, but equally tasteful suit comes in and orders a beer for 1.50 euro it sounds kind of stupid.

And feel free to drink anything you want, load you jacket or trousers with Jagermeister or go to your room and get loaded their. Or some other bar.


--- Quote from: SunWolf on 23.08.2011, 11:42:48 ---I totally agree with Krakendwaggin! It was my first EF and it will certainly be not the last one! Only one thing: Maritim, please LOWER those insane high prices. And what's the point to even give tapwater a pricetag of €0,50? What's the use of that?!?!

That stuff aside: it was awesome. EF 18 -- I'm ready for it!

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I got tapwater for free o.O including ice, and even in a big glass!

I don't really have anything specific to complain on - the music in the dancing area (not in the pianobar) could have been more varied; the beat
was almost identical in all the songs that were played.

When it comes to price... well - at the hotel the price was almost identical to Norwegian prices (a tad lower) so I can't really complain. The low prices at Kaufland
were more shocking as they were incredibly low. XD

The con was really well done - I'll be back next year. ~


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