Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback from EF17

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Feedback about feedback :) Last years there's been feedback session on sunday. I liked those, I liked to hear face to face from people what was in their mind right after convention. But this year there wasn't one?


--- Quote from: Kamuniak on 29.08.2011, 00:19:41 ---Feedback about feedback :) Last years there's been feedback session on sunday. I liked those, I liked to hear face to face from people what was in their mind right after convention. But this year there wasn't one?
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We found out feedback on the forum is in general more valueable, as during the feedback session only some people can give feedback, while on the forum everyone can participate. Also, it's usually more broad and some more thoughts put into it as opposed to just the one single issue right on your mind when speaking in person (sometimes even things which are completely outside of our control, like cocktail prices). Additionally, it is way easier to collect all the feedback together when it is written here.

Another issue was that many staff members were either too exhausted on sunday or still very busy so that only a few of us could actually join the feedback sessions, forcing those attending to relay the opinions voiced to the different departments.

Overall it was found that although a live feedback round sounds nice in theory, it wasn't the most efficient way to improve Eurofurence any more.



--- Quote from: Kamuniak on 29.08.2011, 00:19:41 ---Feedback about feedback :) Last years there's been feedback session on sunday. I liked those, I liked to hear face to face from people what was in their mind right after convention. But this year there wasn't one?
--- End quote ---

The amount of stuff needing to be packed away increases year after year, and staff is very much exhausted after Saturday's events, so I understand they rather concentrate on equipment breakdown lest they have one themselves. Core staff already has enough work to do on Sunday, and not having any planned events other than the DDP reduces their stress levels very much.

Also, there is still a lot of time till next EF, so feedback posted here is still early enough and is more useful after everyone was able to catch up on sleep.
Time-critical feedback should have been mentioned to con or hotel staff right then and there, the feedback session would have been too late for that anyway.

Right I do have a few things to say:

The con was the best i have ever been to and I have been around a bit.

Things run late as they always do at cons and mistakes happen. I'm happy that things went as well as they could have.

The music was just too loud. I did speak to 2 members of the staff who said "Oh well", and as you can imagine wasn’t to happy with their answer. The music was dangerously loud at times. Yes I know it's too late, but I’m telling you for next time: You have the power to say "Well, last year's music was too loud, turn it down a notch next time". It's not too late to leave Feedback you can help with.

I see a lot Cheetah's replys in here having a go at people who leave feedback for you. I though this was a place for people who are to shy or didn’t have the time to make a point make it here and Hope something can be fixed from it. That’s what i’m hoping anyway. Cheetah, none of this is an attack at you or the con we love!

I have to raise a point I got told off about: Nudity in the Pool area? Now as I was aware that it was allowed in the sauna rooms and behind the wall, but next to the pool sat in the open in view of the public and in view of the public looking through the window was not allowed? I got told later it was allowed, but I have to ask one question:

Do you think that going nude at a con looks good in public? If a person off the street walked into the hotel - as they were allowed to go to the bar - and if they had wandered off and looked through the glass of the door, whoa, can you imagine what they would say if they saw naked people?

I know what I asked these people and Nightfox has already spoken to me about it so please don’t feel the need to say to everyone here what was said, it won't help its been done and been dealt with.

Also, if being nude is okay (which is what I got told by nightfox) why were there so many people in there with cameras? There’s pics on FA now of that pool area. Now I don’t want to sound like a whiner, but I really don’t want my pictures of me in a bathing suit on the net and although I went to ask if people taking pics were allowed, I couldn’t find any security who could understand me and I gave up after 20 minuets. I’m sure they understood English but just couldn’t be assed - and I have no idea who they were, before you ask.

I had a camera stolen from the lobby at EF17. It took from nine pm till 3:30 am to get it sorted, was told to wait because something had gone on.

Now I understand that things are important, but just for next time: Why not just send some one to say "Come back in 2 hours" and go from there as I waited 2 hours to be told to come back in 2 hours. It got sorted out in the end, and I was very thankful that an English speaking German girl had helped me. Many thanks. I Apogise I can’t rember your name however.

On the last night the last party was the one I was building up for and then I found that the fursuit room had been taken down and in its place was 3 fans. Brilliant! I know you wanted to pack up, but perhaps a note in the conbok at this last event saying "The fursuit room will be very limited because of closing of EF" would have helped me for a start!

The dances in the week never had enough airflow though them for suiters. I know this as I semi passed out from the heat.

Dealers den:

I would suggest giving people in the dealers den a way to show their selfs, although I only had a few hold ups asking who I was and where I was going I found that it was difficult at times to walk past cues to get back to our table.

The fusuit lounge was fantastic! Enough blowers at all times and it was a hell of a bonus to the con to get free drinks in there - we have to thank a lot for that.

The hotel staff on the last day tried to charge me 120 Euros for parking, for a car I didn’t have parked in there. Car park id moved my car 3 days before checkout. Paying 70+ euros (no ef staff to tell as there were none left at this point). They took 30  minutes arguing. I had to pay or my credit card would be charged. The only thing I could say was if I didn’t pay how I got it out. LOL.

The con was excellent. I wasn’t very impressed with the time it took for the paw pet show to get running and then become late by 2 hours, if not more. I didn’t realise how long the pawpet show took either and then found the time was really late when I wanted to party, and the party had not been setup yet! Still I know things run late and please do not quote me just to say something along the lines of problems happen.

So to Nightfox and Cheetah: Please read this. Please do not take to heart and please do not feel the need to quote and tell me how wrong I am about all this. This is here to help in the future of the con!

Thank you so much for a good time Looking forward to next year.

Tiggie and Sketchkat

Okay, so I'm not quoting you. But I took the liberty to turn your feedback into english, because staff members started complaning about severe headaches trying to read two full pages of text with no punctuation. Please do not take to heart and please do not feel the need to quote and tell me how wrong I am about all this. This is here to help in the future of the forum!


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