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Feedback from EF17

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I think we're adapting just fine ... but isn't this a topic for the internal PPS forum, or maybe the staff meeting?


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 31.08.2011, 12:02:03 ---I think we're adapting just fine ... but isn't this a topic for the internal PPS forum, or maybe the staff meeting?

--- End quote ---

I don't even see what all the excitement is about... I made a tongue-in-cheek remark about our space restrictions and was taken way too literaly... Sorry for that but in my defense: there was a smily face right next to it.


 I came to EF to have fun, relax, catch up with friends and in the process I made new ones.

It was a break, and I enjoyed myself, I've seen alot of posts complaining of little things, which didnt affect me because, I was on holiday and didnt care, I took it with a care free attitude.  I had fun, that is what I came for and that is what I achieved.

I thought all the staff did a great job making things run smoothly. They were professional and always seemed happy when I talked to them.

I felt the music was good, and the sound seemed fine.  I was in the dance at various times and it was quiet enough that I could hold a conversation with someone in suit and be heard.

There were plenty of fans in the dances and the fursuit lounge to keep me cool whenever I needed it, and if someone was on a fan they would happily move over so I could share. 

I felt information was well put across on posters on all the rooms and in the book, and therefore could plan my time accordingly:)

So I would like to thank all the staff for making that possible and I hope that they could enjoy the con a little bit as much as we did in between running things:)

EF 17 was my fourth EF. And it was great again. All of you in the staff were doing a great job again. Thank you very much.

Things that come to my mind that I liked especially this year:

- The night when registration started (in January) had the first great surprise for me when I got a confirmation for a place at EF including a single room at the hotel. So, for the first time, I had a room at the con hotel. This made a lot of things easier during the con, compared to the years before. (Only disadvantage: I couldn't sleep in the night from Sunday to Monday because it was too noisy.)

- EF Prime. Even when you have a break at your room you don't miss a thing. Cool.
- The city guide sheet helped me to discover some very interesting places in Magdeburg I didn't know before. It would have been a shame to miss the city wall excavation site and the Elbauenpark.

- Such a nice and interesting person as Guest of Honour.

- A lot of interesting SIGs as always.

- EF remained in a place where Vita Cola is available.  ;)

the only thing i can complain about was,
--the heat in the lobby at wednesday, and thursday.  ::)



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