Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

Eurofurence Videos

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No, I asked Suran to take them down, not BBF. And Suran was not supposed to start a discussion about it. BBF specifically told me not to give Suran (or anybody else) these videos for use on youtube, but I missed it - for which I have to apologize. So, consequentially, when BBF notified me of the fact that I have acted against his will, I asked Suran to take the videos containing the HD intros down and only use the material filmed off the screen instead. This is a staff-internal issue, and there will be no further discussion on this board. I'm sorry for the invoncenience. This was all a 100% misunderstanding between me and BBF, nobody else's.

@Dhary, Suran, Sunwolf:
Thank you for the nice feedback  :)

Now I will try to answer Dharys question from my personal point of view, I cannot speak for the other videomakers.
For me it's a mix between personal preference and my role in the EF video team. While BBF is the guy who makes the official videos including all sorts of stuff, I am just trying to capture the overall atmosphere of the convention. My own videos are not meant as documentary, I try to create emotions in the first place, I try to visualise what makes conventions like EF so exciting for me. It's all about fun, harmony, love... and most fursuiters represent all this perfectly.

James The Dog:
Finally got round to transferring my MiniDV tapes today. Uploaded my footage of the Banner Brawl, seeing as there doesn't seem to be any video of it anywhere else:

had them online for a while now, just havn't seen this thread:
a few bits of the dance competition and over an hour from the fursuit friendly dance^^

"Leider ist dieses Video in Deutschland nicht verfügbar, da es Musik enthalten könnte, für die die GEMA die erforderlichen Musikrechte nicht eingeräumt hat."

Welcome to the club. ;)
Your video cannot be seen in Germany due to license-issues with the music between Google and GEMA.

( doesn't work either.)


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