Eurofurence Information > Feedback


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I don't think beachballs would be helpfull here. They have a lot more impact than your ordinary balloon. And are much more likely to knock over things they come in contact with. While on EF17 sometimes balloons took me by surprise, colliding with my head and face when I wasn't expecting it. It never did any harm due to the balloons having just not much of a force behind them mass wise. With beachballs I would worry, had them knocking glasses from my nose before.

So I'd rather keep the balloons and urge people not to destroy them on purpose.

James The Dog:
One of the biggest problems I had was at one point people were throwing them off the higher balconies- and this wasn't even before an event, this was during the day when people were sitting at those tables eating and drawing and doing other things, it wouldn't have taken much for one of those balloons to have landed in the middle of someone's meal.

Inflatable balls come in many sizes. Perhaps a little smaller balls would be fun? And then confined to etc. the main stage room or something. Security could keep an eye on people leaving making sure they don't take the balls with them as they exit.


--- Quote from: Rua Whitepaw on 28.08.2011, 15:18:11 ---Popping them may be the real problem, but a lot of people develop a fear of balloons altogether just because they do pop. Seeing a balloon brings on the fear that it will pop so they become scared of balloons themselves. Even if they don't pop, people may still feel uneasy being near them.

--- End quote ---
Yes. Telling people not to pop the balloons won't alleviate the anxiety and fear because the balloon could still pop any second.

So basically this is now boiling down to finding a safe method to entertain a bunch of furs for an undefined amount of time :)


--- Quote ---Inflatable balls come in many sizes. Perhaps a little smaller balls would be fun? And then confined to etc. the main stage room or something.
--- End quote ---

While that might work, it would be mostly beside the point: Once inside the main stage room we usually are entertained by either the stageshow itself or some animated fluff on the screens, while last preparations are done. It is the long waiting time in front of those rooms that caused people to be overjoyed by the ballons. They provided a welcome distraction.


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