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--- Quote from: Chundes on 27.08.2011, 19:02:39 ---Well it's not the balloon itself it's rather the loud bang and there had been quite a few people(myself included) who really didn't liked it. So it might be an idea to not use them/use them in private.

--- End quote ---

The question is, is it really just "not liking it", or do you have a serious problem that prevents you from enjoying the following events, or even frighten you so much that you have no choice but leave. We can't take everything away from the lobby, that somebody just "doesn't like". It takes a bit of tolerance to be in such a large group, I'm afraid.

My big concern regarding this issue is: I've seen glasses and drinks almost getting knocked over by balloons more than once. So, while I had no problems with the balloons themselves, I found it quite annoying always having to watch out for balloons when I tried to sit down somewhere to relax and have a drink.

Hmm... since I mainly saw balloons coming from one single person (who like balloons just a little more than your average furry nudge-nudge-wink-wink), maybe we should talk to that person, and kindly ask him to not outright flood EF with them. The occasioal balloon really doesn't do much harm, they are so lightweight, you'd have to bat them around with a lot of force to tip over a drink.

I don't really want to place a ban on balloons ... I think that would send a totally wrong message to the people.

For me personally, it's a constant fear whenever I see or hear a balloon. I am terribly afraid of sudden, loud noises and balloons provide a great source to nurture this fear. I can alleviate this by plugging earplugs into my ears, which however isolates me from more than just the balloons.
If I'm prepared and know or notice in advance that there are balloons, I can wear the earplugs and continue on pretty much normally - the only drawback is that I have a hard time talking to people or noticing if somebody says anything.

This is however not so much an ideal option for the actual stage room itself. I don't want to take the fun and distraction away the balloons provided during the wait for the pawpet show, but I would very much mind if there were balloons in the lobby during the entire con. While waiting in line for the doors to open, I turned my back towards the lobby and lived in blissful ignorance of the balloons.

I certainly didn't like the balloons in the main stage area however :\

My apologies for my previous post. A fear of the loud noise of a popping balloon, especially during the stressful situation of being stuck in a crowd, is something I can comprehend much better. I also agree that this might affect a significant amount of congoers.

So it looks like everyone here would like to see no balloons at all in the ball room, in the sig rooms, or (gasp) in the art show. Regarding special occassions, like waiting in the PPS line -- what about other ways to keep everyone happy? Would beach balls solve the problem, or do they have too much destructive potential? Giant soap bubbles would be nice, but I think their residue will be much too dangerous. Anything that's not floating will hardly be seen by the majority of the crowd. Some kind of performance on the balconry of the Conference Floor? Hmmm ...


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