Eurofurence Information > Feedback

A new year, a new opinion about the pawpetshow

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--- Quote from: Jake R on 07.09.2012, 18:18:35 ---I have to say I agree with this: I personally had more trouble understanding native English speakers than Germans most of the time

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Mea culpa! I spoke rather fast at times.. but I guess that's what 6 years of exile in the UK do to your english, hehe. I just speak at what is meanwhile a normal pace for me. ^.^

Jake R:

--- Quote from: Fairlight on 08.09.2012, 00:03:20 ---
--- Quote from: Jake R on 07.09.2012, 18:18:35 ---I have to say I agree with this: I personally had more trouble understanding native English speakers than Germans most of the time

--- End quote ---

Mea culpa! I spoke rather fast at times.. but I guess that's what 6 years of exile in the UK do to your english, hehe. I just speak at what is meanwhile a normal pace for me. ^.^

--- End quote ---

No no no, don't get me wrong: it was still great, and I never had any problem following the story! I'm not complaining at all. I'm only saying that, considering not everyone (including the audience!) is experienced with English at an international convention such as this, a bit more focus on pronunciation won't hurt. You know, just as a little note to keep in the back of your head while performing. But I'm sure you already knew that. =)

Fafnir Kristensen:
would it be possible to get the list of the music which were used during the show ?
some of them where really really awesome and I would be very interested to hear them again

A great deal of music within the show was taken from a catalog of production music called "Director's Cuts". You can pre-listen and buy individual tracks here:

Then, the title music and many of the intermission pieces were taken from the Album "Illusions" by Thomas Bergersen, one of the composers behind the well known "Two Steps From Hell" Label:

Then some "authentic" (as far as it's possible to guess lacking actual musicial records) roman music was taken from "Somnia Imperii" by David Marshall, who used reconstructed musicial instruments to recreate the sound of the roman empire:

Then finally, the song played during the video intermission in which the godess grants the wish, and then during the end titles, is called "Immortality" written by none other than Fox Amoore:

A few pieces were taken from film soundtracks, but I'd have to look them up, so if you're looking for a specific piece, that you can't find on the above releases, please let me know.

Fafnir Kristensen:
thank you :)


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