Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF18 Feedback

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Feedback part 1 (because I probably will think of more stuff later)

* The Disco Ball keeps getting more and more awesome. ;D
* Security team did a great job!
* Open staircases really made things easier!
* Even more discounts in restaurants, yay!
* Loved the beginning of the fursuit friendly dance, also doing it right after the photoshoot was a great idea!
* The fursuit parade was really fun! Going through the mall was swell.
* The fursuit lounge was perfect again!
* Best conbook ever!
* Decoration was amazing!
* Steamroom is always great for people with allergies

* As Henrieke pointed out, better visible charity lottery table
* Putting a note in the conbook that the roomphones work everywhere in the hotel (very useful!)
* Blackboard at the entrance like at the Ringberg, I miss it so much!
* International snack exchance could maybe take place in a part of the lobby?
* I'm sure it got pointed out already, one Dealers Den was much more populated than the other, I'd suggest spreading popular artists more over the two Dens.


--- Quote from: kp on 10.09.2012, 00:00:33 ---

* Blackboard at the entrance like at the Ringberg, I miss it so much!

--- End quote ---

The blackboard actually was at the back entrance, probably due to the fact that the front entrance had this huge and awesome piece of decoration set up.

I do have to admit, tho, it wasn't the best or most obvious place to put a blackboard. At the same time, I lack ideas for a better place.


 Just thought I would add something,

Music- I have never found the music to be particularily loud, if you go to a club or dance the volume is about the same... It doesnt bother me.

 Drink Prices - you are paying hotel/bar prices.  The bar can be used by other guests and visitors not just in the hotel, If you go to the shopping centre and get some drinks, you can have a drink in your room before coming down to the bar.

Art show - it does say in the conbook and on a sign on the door that cameras arent allowed, its the same thing every year, yet it seems to catch people out.

Schedule- normally if something is behind, its not because the staff are sat there having a coffee break its because generally something has happened.

you're on holiday/ ot have a good time, go with the flow.

As for Blackboard placement, I think.. as long as you put it in say the con book somewhere where it is, then people will know to look for it.  Maybe somewhere by conops, then people can get all their info in one place. 

For the amount of people that attend, increasing in numbers every year, I think the con is great and relatively problem free.  I think a big thanks to all the staff for all their hard work behind the scenes is in order, as they give up alot of their free time before, during and after the con to make sure it works every year.  Thankyou. 



--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 10.09.2012, 01:36:02 ---The blackboard actually was at the back entrance, probably due to the fact that the front entrance had this huge and awesome piece of decoration set up.

I do have to admit, tho, it wasn't the best or most obvious place to put a blackboard. At the same time, I lack ideas for a better place.

--- End quote ---

In front of the other doors of the Fursuit Lounge? I remember it was always closed.


--- Quote from: Drachetto on 10.09.2012, 11:18:42 ---
--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 10.09.2012, 01:36:02 ---The blackboard actually was at the back entrance, probably due to the fact that the front entrance had this huge and awesome piece of decoration set up.

I do have to admit, tho, it wasn't the best or most obvious place to put a blackboard. At the same time, I lack ideas for a better place.

--- End quote ---

In front of the other doors of the Fursuit Lounge? I remember it was always closed.

--- End quote ---

No, it was at the back of the lobby, where the two elevators are. Pretty close to the con ops office.


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