Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF18 Feedback

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--- Quote from: datgingercat on 10.09.2012, 17:10:53 ---- I guess this should go without saying, but perhaps, apart from asking people to not abuse the elevators, you should also write a short guide on how to use an elevator, because I didn't feel very safe when someone decided it would be fun to start jumping up and down in the elevator and the whole elevator was shaking.

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This seems to be a never-ending story at furcons. I honestly don't get why breaking the elevators by jumping in them is such an intriguing idea to some people. It shakes for some seconds and then it's broken (again) and everyone is taking the stairs. Well done. The same goes for pushing all the buttons and getting off at the first floor.
I think Gyroplast would be interested in having a talk with the guy you met there.

Dhary Montecore:
We WILL take care of the elevator problem next year as this repeats year after year. The few elevators are a limited ressource and to hear that there are still people breaking them for fun is getting annoying. We will handle that, I promise :3

Fafnir Kristensen:
mmm, I have had much less problems with elevator this year compared to previous years, and I was at floor 4 instead of 1.
I think more people were using the stairs.
Though maybe it would be nice to clearly explain in the conbook or some other visible place (forum?) that the stairs front side, which have magnetic card pass, are now always open from both side, while the stairs from back side can only be used to go down (no magnetic card pass).
once you know you need to go front side to go up, it's really easy to navigate the hotel without needing the elevators

about elevator breaking up, I noticed at two occasion that if someone tried to keep the doors open when they are closing, the doors would open but the elevator would decide to play dead with all the button not working. I guess this a security feature, but it's really easy to freeze them that way.

The only problem I found with the lifts was on departure day when so many people were trying to leave. It was easier to walk up the stairs and then only wait for the lifts going down.

Overall, the con was a nice experience. Please don't take the things I'm about to say as having ruined the con for me - but when EF can be such a great time, negative things can have a much higher impact.
Generally I want to thank the staff and security for being helpful.

* Banning of poi/staff during the dances - to my surprise, Poi and Staff-twirling was banned this year (I asked for permission prior to the dance and thus got a negative response). This should be better communicated next year, as I've seen a few pictures with people spinning poi/staff on the dance. Thanks however, for letting me play outside the hotel. For me, this is a large part of the fun I have at the con - I ordered spare parts just for EF and rarely get a chance to use my gear.
* Fear of heights again, the hotel tried to put me on the 6th floor. For the third time in a row. Luckily I was able to get a room a bit lower, yet still not in an ideal place. This also meant that I had to rely on the elevators more often. I start to think that this option during registration does absolutely nothing. I even booked early arrival to make sure that I don't get a bad room this time and took the first possible train I could ;)
* Obnoxious (drunk) people - well, I guess I'm more to blame for being so picky.


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