Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF18 Feedback

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--- Quote from: nifelan on 10.09.2012, 23:30:01 ---

* Fear of heights again, the hotel tried to put me on the 6th floor. For the third time in a row. Luckily I was able to get a room a bit lower, yet still not in an ideal place. This also meant that I had to rely on the elevators more often. I start to think that this option during registration does absolutely nothing. I even booked early arrival to make sure that I don't get a bad room this time and took the first possible train I could ;)
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Maybe a good idea to try one of the overflew hotel next year? No names but mine had only five floor and I got a room on the first one, thus it has no indoor open space and was a short two minutes walk from the con hotel.

Great con for me. I had lots of fun and nothing to complain. I just avoided the things I don't like ;-)

The main thing to avoid was the "UNF UNF UNF" music. I was there for some minutes. Thanks to Thygrr's ear plugs it was bearable for a while. But apart from the pure volume I really would prefer some more "melodic" music from time to time. I understand lots of furs enjoy the simplistic music. But there are other's as well.

Or is there really no DJ anymore willing to play the "classics"?

Another small thing is the time of day of the room cleaning. I understand that there is a problem with the messies. And I guess the personal wants to do the job "in a row" of the rooms. So skipping the "garbage dumps" rooms first might not be an option. But I just like to point out that this is a problem for every other attendee.

Thanks for the great con. It is my third and everytime it is better.
Thanks to all the people and a great thanks to cheetah.
I don't know if there would be an EF without him, but it would not be the same...


--- Quote from: Henrieke on 08.09.2012, 11:26:27 ---My main point of concern this year:
The charity lottery table should be much more visible! Last year we had the fortune wheel, this year many of my friends apparantly didn't even notice the table. But well, I'm sure I can help out with some big banner or sign next year so the table won't be missed :) And then afterwards we can sell that banner for charity XD

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Just to follow up on this one, I totally agree and that's one of our learning points for next year. I welcome you to help us on this, I think you'll do a smashing job at upping our visibility.

Did people like the charity concert? Should we try to do something similar again? DId it work splitting the auction into two parts and keeping the charity items as surprises/mystery items? Did you like the idea about the otter noses? Should we try to bring next year's charity to the con as well? Should they bring animals? Would you be interested if next year's charity also did a panel?

Amy Ninetails:

--- Quote from: Pinky on 11.09.2012, 23:48:04 ---
Did people like the charity concert? Should we try to do something similar again? DId it work splitting the auction into two parts and keeping the charity items as surprises/mystery items? Did you like the idea about the otter noses? Should we try to bring next year's charity to the con as well?

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i for one would have liked to know what items was up for charity auction. they usually are the cream of the crop and thus making more people inclined to bid on them.

the otter noses were awesome! more of this!

absolutely! bring the charity to the con was a great idea and it was really moving to see their reaction to the preliminary figures. it is a great idea to have their staff there to be able to tell more about what they do and see some of the work they do. big plus and much love on this!


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