Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF18 Feedback

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So, i have just a few things. The Con itself was good as last time...

+ Meeting Many Friends, good Parties and stuff...
+ AC worked, i had always Hot Water in the Shower
+ Could see all Panels i wanted to see

0 Sound on the Mainstage, specialy the Concert was a bit weird, Background was to Loud, Drums too, so they make it difficult to hear the other Instruments, and on the Encore there was a Badly Feedback, that was Painful for my Ears... Not the Loudness, just that Feedback...

and there are some things that arent directly the Con but the Hotel...
- Housekeeping who is not interested in that DND Signs, at 9 in the Morning... one Time there was even no knocking on the Door, they just opened it...
- No Towels at the Pool, at 11 in the Morning, and at 3 on the Other day...
- as Every Year, Prices at the Bar, 5,50 for 0,5l Beer is a bit... overpriced in my Eyes, i was in 5 Star Hotels with lower Prices...
- The Coffee, in the Morning it was ok, not good, but for 1€ i would not say anything. But over the Day the Coffee gets old and they only made new one when all old was gone... and you know Old Coffee is eww.

Jake R:
@Pinky: as one of the people selling otter noses (including during the Pawpet Show seating / intermissions), I can say without a doubt that there was a lot of interest in otter noses! I was completely amazed at the speed at which I ran out. Just make sure you find people willing to make a fool out of themselves (or just stay themselves, like me! =P) to sell them as it seems to easily double the amount of interest. Not to mention the person(s) who offered the combo-package "otter noses + hug : €1,00" (instead of €0,50) which made sales soar. =D

What I think could give an amazing boost to the charity, but probably a total pain to organize, is 100% charity quick (pencil) sketch commissions by a few artists at the charity tables. Many of the great artists are already fully booked during the con, busy with the Dealer's Den and other con-related events. But if enough can take the time to spend an hour or two at the charity table, you could probably draw a lot of people towards there... and then the charity salesmen can start selling them other things. =) Just an idea though - I'm not an artist and have no idea if this is feasible or not.


--- Quote from: Jake R on 13.09.2012, 00:37:29 ---@Pinky: as one of the people selling otter noses (including during the Pawpet Show seating / intermissions), I can say without a doubt that there was a lot of interest in otter noses! I was completely amazed at the speed at which I ran out. Just make sure you find people willing to make a fool out of themselves (or just stay themselves, like me! =P) to sell them as it seems to easily double the amount of interest. Not to mention the person(s) who offered the combo-package "otter noses + hug : €1,00" (instead of €0,50) which made sales soar. =D

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That was me :-)
Got a box at the charity desk then went to ConOps to get the nice paper to stick to the box. About 95% went for the hug, the remaining 5% were a bit scared of me i think *meowrrr*

I just want to make one addition. The charity collector box was very hard to put coins into and since i was in suit it was pretty difficult to get them to understand that the small hole on top was actually for coins. Maybe either a small sticker next to it: Coins or a little bit bigger hole.

Yeah we had problems with the cvollection boxes and suiters earlier as well, but there's no good solution to it that I've found so far. The problem is that if the hole is too large, the contents risk falling out again. But yeah stickers might her, so I'll note it down for next year. :-)

Thanks for helping us out, I loved the hug idea, it's totally in the right spirit.


--- Quote from: Pinky on 11.09.2012, 23:48:04 ---Did people like the charity concert? Should we try to do something similar again? DId it work splitting the auction into two parts and keeping the charity items as surprises/mystery items? Did you like the idea about the otter noses? Should we try to bring next year's charity to the con as well? Should they bring animals? Would you be interested if next year's charity also did a panel?

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As far as I've seen or heard, both the charity concert and the charity auction were a big hit with the con-goers, so kudos on that. :-)

Bringing animals: It worked nicely this year. But it will only work if the next charity focusses on pets again. Personally, I'd much rather give money to conserve endangered wildlife than to take care of pets in relatively rich countries. Both are worthy causes, however.

I feel that whether a charity can bring animals or not should be secondary as long as they do important work. I support charity because I like the cause, not because the animals they brought were cute.


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