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EF18 Feedback

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--- Quote from: Luxen on 13.09.2012, 21:17:59 ---I feel that whether a charity can bring animals or not should be secondary as long as they do important work. I support charity because I like the cause, not because the animals they brought were cute.

--- End quote ---

I very much agree with this. Not being able to bring live animals to show should not stop us from taking charities such as the Raubkatzenasyl or the Gnadenhof. That would be such a shame. It simply should not be a deciding factor.

Don't worry guys, it's not a deciding factor. This year was the first year where we actually had animals on site, so I just wondered how that worked. But I would in no way discriminate against charities that cannot bring animals, all animals are worth saving (except spiders, whasps and hornets, mosquitoes, leeches, ticks, green elephants and jabberwocks of course  ;) ).

I guess dogs are the only animals you can actually bring on site, aren't they? If it's not about logistics, it's maybe about the stress level those animals will have to deal with.

However, I really loved this year's charity including otter noses, the concert (with its very awesome atmosphere) and the auction (might be better to show the items beforehand, though). I also attended their panel and found it quite sad that they were holding it for only... 6? people. As far as I remember, Uncle Kage held his Story Hour at the same time and the Dealer's Den opened. But, to my impression, only few people would actually have attented the charity panel, even if they'd been free from those other events. I might be wrong with that.
This might also be different, if there will be a charity without "just dogs" (or rather "just very special dogs") you can meet and greet in the Lobby all the time.

So: please go for another charity panel, it's interesting to get background information, videos and photos, before-and-after-stories and such.

All in all, this EF has been indescribably awesome to me and I just want to say thank you. :)

Oh talking about FFF, did I hear wrong or did someone actually promise to make them a fursuit if they returned next year? Was in one of the events at the main stage but I forgot which one.

You heard wrong. At the beginning of the Pawpet Show I said they were more than welcome to come back, and I also mentioned that last year's charity had in fact returned, this time as a normal attendee and with a fursuit. But no one promised anyone a fursuit.


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